Get used to our government getting bigger, boys and girls. Our fearless leader once again used his impeccable speaking skills to lull the sheeple into making them believe in change last night. Sure, we would all love to have health insurance that is cheap, readily available, and the best in the world. Why can’t we have that? Well, um, the same reason everyone can’t have five thousand square-foot homes with four bathrooms and five cars in the driveway that sits on ten acres. Money, boys and girls. It amazes me to no end how the blind people that have somehow been elected to office can’t see that. Maybe it's those very houses and six-figure-plus incomes that help cloud their vision.
Unfortunately, the government of the United States of America is completely oblivious to the fact that you just can’t keep printing money and expect everything to be alright forever. Somewhere, somehow, somebody comes to collect the money you borrow. In the government’s case, it’s going to be foreign bond and t-bill holders. Eventually, if we don't do something to turn it around, this will lead to a massive default on the credit of the US of A.
I like President Obama’s spunk. He has drive. I don’t dislike him either, I just think he’s a little naïve, and I actually feel bad for him. The fact that Rep. Joe Wilson was yelling “you lie” at him last night was actually funny. Sure, it was a momentary lapse in better judgment on his part, and there’s probably a better forum for his disagreement, but he could actually be speaking the truth. Guffaw!! What? President Obama a liar? No!. Well, probably not a liar, and maybe he just changed his mind without mentioning it, but he sure has been telling different stories since he’s been elected. Here’s just one about the health care bill he and his buddies are proposing:
Um, just a thought here, but you can’t really tell people that they won’t be getting financially punished for not having insurance on a new government-run health care plan, then a few months later tell them it’s all part of a bill you’re backing…Hmmm..Really? Punished for not playing along? Does nobody else see something very wrong with the government taking over so many aspects of how we live our lives? What’s the deal? Liberty is dying a slow death, and it depresses me.
There is no possible way that president Obama, or anyone else before him, could expect to be educated enough, in such a short period of time, about what needs to be done to turn our economic ship around. Unfortunately, he has people like Timmy G and Bernanke to listen to. They have already shown us that when it comes to basic economic theory, they are both clueless and willing to do anything to save their own hides. Naturally, Obama will get bad information as a result.
Here’s a good blog discussing what the biggest banks have been doing with our TARP money.
Buying government-backed securities..With OUR tax dollars..Unreal.. Of course, Timmy G can’t (or won’t) tell Congress or anyone how any of this trillion dollars was spent. Then, when he was finally pressured by several different reporters about auditing the Fed, he avoids the issue, and says it would be a “bad idea” to “go down that path”..Wow..It amazes me how many people in government offices, elected officials, have forgotten that they WORK FOR THE PEOPLE!!! If people want to know where their money is going, SHOW THEM! Argh..I could go on for days…No person of sound mind and body would invest their hard-earned money in anything without knowing where their money is and what it is doing for them at any moment, yet, that’s what our government is asking of us.. Give us a third of your income and we will do what’s best. Trust us..Big Brother Government knows best… I just wish more people in high places, Democrats, Republicans, and any elected official, could see what’s wrong with this picture.