Thursday, June 5, 2008

Socialism be Damned

Well, it looks like Washington DC has come up with another brilliant idea for lowering crime. I got this from LawDog this morning.

Make the people helpless by taking their weapons, then, turn their neighborhoods into a police state not unlike Germany during WWII. Then call it "neighborhood safety zones". Awesome. Even a pig with lipstick is still ugly and stinks to high heaven. This, for the sheeple in this beloved country of ours, is exactly what happens when the masses and people in control don't know their history and mistakes of the past. The last time I checked, we weren't in Russia or China, but in a 'FREE' country.

I'm in awe that people aren't up in arms over this bulls$&*. I'm at a loss for words, really. By the way, Obama would likely endorse such a ridiculous practice since he's already voiced his opinion on and voted many times over for stronger gun laws limiting possession by law abiding citizens. He is against anyone carrying a concealed weapon. No, thanks, Mr. Charisma. They can have mine when they peel them from my dead hands.


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