Friday, July 18, 2008

Good Times

The party, well, Wedding Reception is over and it feels like the weight of a keg of beer is off my shoulders. It seemed like a last-minute scramble to get everything ready, but that's mostly due to living with a woman that is ridiculously spontaneous sometimes. There were projects on top of projects that kept coming up every time I turned around. I like contributing, but not under duress. I like to do things at my own pace, and sometimes that doesn't jive with K's pace.

This weekend we get to finally cut up the tree limbs that we downed a week before the party because they just HAD to be trimmed so everyone would see what a wonderful house we have. I mistakenly agreed to some trimming one morning while mowing the lawn (because K got a wild hair to do it right then), and as I turned the corner with the mower a scant fifteen minutes later, I was greeted by half of one of our Lavender trees dismantled on the ground next to the trunk where it once proudly stood full bloom. Argh.

I'll be borrowing a chainsaw to dismantle the pile of thick branches out behind the shop, and I'm really not looking forward to it. Once it is done, though, I will be free from spontaneous K projects for a while. One day while getting frustrated over the amount of projects we were inexplicably tackling, we made a deal. You know, just like when you were a kid on the playground and made the 'pinky swear'. That day, my beloved wife swore that if I helped with everything she needed before the party, she would let me have free reign at working on my beloved Jeep after it was over. Well, those days are here, and after I cut up all those damn branches and haul them off, I'm going to hold her to her promise. CJ, here we come.

We really had a great time at the party, and we can't thank you all enough for everything you gave us, and for flying or driving many miles (Kevin, Sam, Brownie, Tammy, Rich, Trace, K's family, JohnL, MaryL, etc..) to have fun with us, albeit for only a couple days. It's not cheap to travel these days, and we will forever be grateful to you for coming to celebrate with us. To the Squad, even those of you that couldn't make it -Craig, Katie, & Jr. Martin-we will enjoy your gift nearly every weekend when we fire up the commercial waffle maker and enjoy fat, delicious Belgiun waffles. Sunday will be a good day, indeed.


*Jen* said...

It's about time you had a new post ;)
I look forward to sampling the waffles soon.

(We have a chainsaw if you need it)


Craig said...

You can't borrow a chainsaw ... that's an excuse for a trip to Lowe's for a new toy. Glad to hear a good time was had by all, and you know we were there in spirit.

Anonymous said...

mandi? mandi who?!?!? need we even mention the lil' sis'? geeeezzzz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!