Saturday, January 3, 2009

Switching Gears

Much time has passed, and many good times have been had since my last post. I’m going through stages in my short blogging history that have borne proof that I need start taking notes when I get ideas. One of the books I’m currently reading (one of four or five at any given time) is On Writing by Stephen King. He talks about how he comes up with ideas for his stories at random times, makes notes to himself,  and sometimes puts different ideas together to come up with the end result on paper. I think I need to start taking notes because it seems like every time I think about something being a great story, I’m not in a position to sit down at the computer and add it to my blog. That one problem, I’ve surmised after much introspection, is the main reason I have drifted into a pattern of going several days between posts. I’m not promising that I can rectify this immediately, but I will do my best to start taking notes and posting when I get a free minute.

The Browns were here briefly for the holidays because Jen and Scott finally said hello to their new pride and joy. Their daughter Paige entered the world on December 22nd of 2008. Sean and Tammy came up from Dallas because we are all great friends (family, really) and they weren’t sure when they’d be able to make a return trip to see us all. They stayed with us here at the house for one evening of good times. In our group of close friends, which I think is currently at 13, we have often joked about living in a cul-de-sac when we’re all old enough to retire and resume our good times every day. I would love for this to happen sooner, and I get a great feeling when I see my good friends for times even as brief as twelve hours.

 Christmas was never really a religious experience for me as a child. My parents took us to church on Sundays when we were small, but after their divorce, it became an option. I opted out, of course, because my interest in things of the sort was already that of wonder. I have always been a leader and one to question authority. I’ve never blindly followed anyone or anything because I was told “this is the way”. I always managed to question it and back it up with my own discovery or research. This didn’t bode well for me at certain times in school, of course, but I think I turned out alright in the end. My mother may humbly disagree about my lack of belief in all things Christian, but I live a great life with far fewer complaints than millions of people in the world. 

Karen just so happens to go to church, and even though I don’t go with her, we manage to get along well enough because I see Christmas activities as a good tradition and a reason to get together with family and friends. The stories about Saint Nick are also something wonderful for millions of kids every year, I remember getting my first real BMX bike as a kid and getting my first Atari 2600. Those were big moments, and memories I wouldn’t trade for anything, so I will have no qualms in sharing some of these moments with children of my own, if that day ever comes to pass.

 I was bitten during the holiday break as well this year. Not physically bitten, but bitten by the bug to start shooting again on a regular basis. The last couple of years have seen months go by between my trips to the range, and I am always happier when I can go more often and put more copper and lead down range. Not too long ago I re-introduced a friend of mine to the wonderful world of firearms. He had a .22 rifle that was given to him by his grandfather, but had never really had anyone in his life that brought an interest in guns until we started hanging out. He’s the top technician where I work, and our mutual interest in all things motorcycle helped fuel a great friendship over the past eight years.

 JD has a fantastic shop behind his house where he works on everything from his motorcycles to his cars and guns. This shop was the place where he helped me rebuild an engine for my Yamaha TT500 flat track race bike, and also the place where we completely rebuilt the Dana 300 transfer case for my current Jeep CJ-7. Good times abound at JD’s. On a few occasions he would ask me about my guns, my interests, and after we both built nice custom rifles from old beater military Mausers, he was hooked. His purchases of old military arms are an investment as well as a source of enjoyment, so it’s always been justifiable. Recently, he forged a path toward competition pistol shooting. A mutual friend of ours got him fired up about shooting USPSA matches at the local range, and for a few months now, JD has done his best at trying to get me out there to join them. I’ve been reluctant because it isn’t exactly the cheapest sport, mostly because of the practice required. Shooting several thousand rounds a month is not uncommon, and I’m not in a financial position to take on a new hobby that could require so much time and cash outlay. After much rumination, I came to the conclusion that I already own much of the equipment required, and anything else can be readily borrowed from JD. He has toys galore already (after only three or four months of shooting) and has a spare of almost everything. Last weekend, I went out to the range with my guns and ammo to join JD, Butler, and Kevin for a few hours of steel popping and paper punching, USPSA style. I was caught- hook, line, and sinker-just like JD quietly suspected.

 I think I can start small and practice a little for now, just to see if it is at all feasible for me to join the fray. I could always liquidate a few assets from the collection if need be. I’m already looking forward to the match in January on the third Sunday. The only thing I thought may be an issue was the time away from the house on days when Karen is home. As luck would have it, matches are held on Sunday mornings, when Karen is at church. Perfect.

1 comment:

*Jen* said...

It was awesome to see y=the Browns. So glad they could make the trip to meet Paige.

Get ready for some diaper changes, Tio Chris ;)