Friday, February 13, 2009

In Decline

   One of my best friends sent a text to me last night that put a smile on my face. It was a sign that I'm making a difference, even if it is in my own little world.

"Have u seen cover of latest Newsweek? I thought of u."

Of course, I'm not a subscriber, so no, I have not seen it. I will get to read it after she's finished, though. The cover basically states that we are all Socialists now because of the latest government bailout. Of course, I've known this all along, and have pointed out socialists and their agendas a few times in the past while hanging out with friends. This is what made Jen think of me when seeing the cover. It usually revolved around Clinton and his life partner Clinton. 

Of course, Pelosi is the worst of the active politicians, not to mention a complete imbecile, and she is one of the biggest supporters and compilers of this latest "Tarp II" or whatever the PR rhetoric is today. It's comprised of mostly pork and spending for specialist groups and will do little to help the economy. Unfortunately, there isn't an easy answer, but the path along which we're currently being led by the uneducated and ignorant in office is a path to destruction. Whether that destruction will be mild or catastophic has yet to come to light, but I am among the Austrian School thinkers that hope we can steer away from catastrophy. 

I read a good article this morning that clearly explains my thoughts. It's not nearly as heavy as some of the stuff I've tried to explain to my wife and good friends. Everyone can benefit, even if they don't agree with said viewpoint.

This website has tons of good articles, and if you have time, I recommend browsing. 

1 comment:

Craig said...

I've been trying to think of a response to your post and still have nothing to offer ... other than to say I was glad to see you haven't given up on the blog just yet.