Thursday, March 5, 2009

Free Lunches

  It always cracks me up when people say that the government should "take care of it". Unfortunately, our government can not be expected to do everything. It was never designed that way, and our founding fathers knew it all too well.  The sheeple have become more and more reliant on the government over the years, by fault of their own and by fault of the government itself, and we are now in a place where the government alone can not save us from every threat posed to the well-being of the United States of America. Each of us has to take the initiative and do things for ourselves. Taking the bull by the horns will be the key to recovery, not an apathetic reliance on Big Government. This is a great article from the Mises Institute that paints a very clear picture of how duplicitous our supposed "leaders" have been in our obese government machine. 

1 comment:

Craig said...

If the gov't would've let people buy and sell those tickets as they wish, think of the stimulus that could've possibly provided some family lucky enough to have gotten a free ticket that they were then able to sell for $40,000. That might've kept a few more houses from foreclosing.