Friday, April 24, 2009

Great Information

   This is a blog I've been following for a few weeks now. This guy knows what he's talking about and is one of the many people on the internet that are speaking their minds about what the mainstream media doesn't report. Our government is up to no good, and people like Mr. Denninger can make a difference in making the general public aware of some of the things going on in our country. I hope something more significant comes of this before our newest administration takes even more money from us. 

Pay particularly close attention to the post "Again: Government Lawlessness". It's very enlightening. 

Here is the letter from Attorney General Cuomo to the SEC, Senate Committee on Banking, etc.;. It's a very interesting read, indeed. Quite a few illegal things going on in our government. Failure to disclose during a major bank merger? Are you kidding me? This should be a cut and dry case.


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