Tuesday, July 29, 2008

For Shame..

Well, well..The Nanny State is at it again. Pretty soon, you will be required to check in with the local authorities every time you need to leave the house. That way, they'll know you're out and about. You know, for your own good. You're not competent enough to go somewhere and eat responsibly. You're just not smart enough to do that, so we'll pass laws that prevent any sort of new establishments from opening their doors if they're "unhealthy". Forget the fact that you, having sound mind and body, can of your own volition, choose whether or not to walk in and buy something to eat. I'm speechless. I just hope the lunacy and socialist bullsh%* that passes for government in The Socialist Republic of California doesn't make its way to the rest of the country. Absolutely unbelievable, and for the most part, very scary.


Craig said...

Very scary indeed. And even scarier that they don't realize just how socialist they've become. The reason for banning the fast food was because the people are already overweight and unhealthy, and, according to the city councilor, "The side effect of a constant diet of fast food is that society pays in the long run in medical costs," ... hmmm, who's idea was it to foot the bill for every walking heart attack in the first place?

Unknown said...

well...i'm usually pretty liberal and think california is a super cool state...BUT, this was a little ridiculous to me too!


CZ Nash said...

Mi chica also thinks the housing bailout that we'll all be paying for is a bunch of sh*#. I think I've got her coming over from the dark side, now. CZ

Unknown said...

ohhhh....hold it there jack! not happening! i'm a tree hugger remember?!!

and the housing issue...i just don't think that we RESPONSIBLE tax payers should have to pay for those who bought houses that they could not afford! do your homework people, DO YOUR HOMEWORK!!

*Jen* said...

I 100% agree with Karen on the homeowner issue, and you better not dare call me a conservative, Nash!

CZ Nash said...

Crazy chicas. I wouldn't dare. I'm not a conservative either. I have liberal views as well, like a woman's right to choice. CZ

Jeremy Peppas said...

Not really bothered by it.
The problem is that the corporate chains prey on the poorest and least educated among us.
They take advantage of the people who can't help themselves.
As far as the councilor's comments, he/she wasn't talking about people on Medicaid, I think the comments were directed about the people who don't have insurance and can't or won't pay the bill. The hospital will eventually pass the bill on to the consumers who can pay through higher costs.
In relation to the housing crisis, you really have to blame the conservatives for allowing them to dismantle governmental oversight.
By constantly repeating that government doesn't work, you will end up with a government that doesn't work. Especially when you remove the guards and other checks the feds put in place.
An aggressive oversight group would never have allowed the mortgage situation to get into the place that it is now.
It wasn't the people who got the loans, it was the lenders who approved the loans in the first place.
They had no business doing that, but they knew that they could lend the money, then sell that debt to an aggregator, that company could then turn around and sell the debt to investors with it being a win-win. If people pay off the loans, they get paid, if they don't pay, the investors still get paid because they are all federally-backed and then the Feds will pay the loan off.
But, you have a situation that doesn't allow for such jumbo entities like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to fail. The acronym is TBTF or Too Big To Fail.
If the funny named lenders had collapsed, it could and most likely would have triggered a depression. That would have led to a bank run, and it would have only gotten worse.
So, the government that allowed it to get to be such a mess, now has to clean up the mess that they helped make.
If you have a complaint, ask your elected officials why they have allowed the federal government to drop its traditional role of oversight.
This is why matters who you vote for.

CZ Nash said...

Exactly my point. Oversight. They don't do that anymore because they've gotten too big to know what to oversee. It takes too much red tape and channels to go through to get anything done. Then you have representatives and senators that take 'favors' for earmarks. They don't care about passing laws to benefit the people. They care about passing laws with the popular vote at the time in order to keep their constituents and get re-elected. This keeps them from having to find another career.
Saying people (loan-getters) aren't at fault is very naive because if you're not smart enough to do your homework and figure out if you can afford a house, then you probably deserve foreclosure. That's harsh, but that's the way it is. You can't buy a twenty thousand dollar car if you are only earning 20k in a year. Seventh grade math can bear this out. The problem with the socialist (and sometimes democratic) view is that people think the government should be there to watch over everything they do. There is no accountability anymore. People in general are taking less responsibility for their actions and expecting the government to bail them out.

Anonymous said...

peppas, i agree 100%! it's not that people such as "democrats" think they can afford a 20 thousand dollar car on a 20 thousand dollar annual income, it's the "republican" loan advisors that are lying their asses off and making promises they can not keep simply so they can make a extra dollar while they watch their consumers forfeit...c.z. look at gram for example...she makes too much money too get any assistance yet not enough to pay for all her medications. one of her medications alone is $185.00 not only does she receive medicare, but ssi as well...still, she does not make enough money to survive and pay for her medications. i took it upon myself to call her doctor and demand she have a sample pack of all her meds ready to go every month on her follow up visits. you can be a democrat and work your ass off and still not afford to take care of your health believe it or not. thank god that gene pool you were talking about in a previous post, reproduced to watch her ass!! luv u bro'!