Thursday, July 3, 2008

Strange Days

These are strange days, indeed. It's a time of change, and it's becoming more obvious as the days go on. I've got several members of my inner circle, aka "The Squad", that are now pregnant or have recently given birth. Years ago, when we all first met and started hanging out, it was all talk about partying, drinking, sports, our jobs that paid peanuts, looking forward to the weekend, and everything BUT adult life. Now we're in a transition period of less drinking, (some of us still know how to throw it down-just not four or five days of the week) more talk about home improvement with a lot more work around the house, and lots of discussion of having and dealing with children.

The discussion over on Scott's blog is all about JimmyJoe/JimmiJo on the way and the fun hormones in pregnancy. Good Times, just a different kind of good times from five and ten years ago. Most of the Squad has moved away to different parts of the country, but we are still a very tight group and we can stay in touch with annual trips and the magic of the interwebnets. The Crooks and Colleys have become part of the local Squad, and that's who K, myself and the Faldons ( both of us old, original Squad) hang out with regularly here in The Fort.

The Hermsmeiers in California, The Browns from DC, The Livingstons in Omaha, Peppas in Little Rock, and the Martins in St. Louis all are original squadders, but sadly, live too far away to partake in the cookouts, drinking and gaming, and the Nertz & Wii sessions of the new age. This makes me sad in ways, but I understand it's the nature of life to deal with loss. We've been forced to part with good friends, but they are still with us. We've gained new friends that are every bit as much fun, and keep our lives vivid with new experiences that aren't quite as juvenile as the keg parties of years past.

One week from Saturday will be an official wedding reception for Karen and I. It will be good times, indeed. Nearly the entire Squad will be here, along with about 60 other people, to celebrate our new lives together. Nearly every year, we're all doing the same for one of us in the group. Last year was the Browns on the Jersey shore, the Hermsmeiers before that, you get the picture. We all support each other and love each other to the point where any one of us would do anything for the other in times of strife. Sadly, the Martins won't be able to come down, but they are a scant few months from welcoming their first child into the Squad, and I completely understand the inability for a pregnant, hormonal woman to make a long road trip to a party where she can't drink. Craig, good luck to you, buddy. Katie, I love you, and good luck with everything that comes with carrying a child.

This weekend, Karen and I will embark on a lot more house work (and have already done a ton) before everyone gets here. Karen's family is travelling from far away, some from Puerto Rico even, to make the party. They never come here because it's so expensive to travel, let alone to a small city in Arkansas. I've never even met K's mother, but I'm looking forward to meeting her and a few others in her family. It will be a grand time, indeed.

So, without further background, this weekend will be heavy with work and heavy with play Saturday night. We will be having the local Squad over for a little grilling, a little drinking, and a little preparation in the music department for the throwdown on the 12th. So, anyone reading this who will be coming over this Saturday, bring me some music. I recently took possession of a sweet external Western Digital hard drive and will be installing mucho musica on it in order to have great, neverending sounds for the reception next weekend.

Jason, Angie, Steve, Jen, Scott, and Jen---bring whatever music you want so we can have it on the playlist. Anyone that's out of town reading this, feel free to send it. Whatever you want to hear is welcome unless it's some country bullshit. I refuse to play it. Yes, Jen, I'll play some Abba because it just wouldn't be a Squad Party without Dancing Queen. You've gotta bring it, though, because I don't own it. Be sure that whatever you bring over is in MP3 format or on a CD. I can save it either way. Flash drives would rock.

Also, chime in with what kind of meat you guys want to eat this Saturday. It will be Meat Euphoria, so let the chef (yours truly) know what you prefer. Hot Dogs, bratwurst, chicken, burgers, pork chops, steak, you name it. BUT--you have to let me know. I'll get it and make it. I don't want to cook anything that won't get eaten, though, so don't be bashful--it's a celebration of the good times we've had and the good times we'll continue to have in Fort Smith with our local Squad Family. I've got 465 Gigs of memory burning a hole in my pocket, so let me have it, kids.



Jeremy Peppas said...

I can get a keg of Yuengling.
Call me or check your e-mail.

CZ Nash said...

Do it. Full speed ahead...CZ

angela said...

Wow. Burgers and ABBA. Talk about total meat AND ear euphoria!!! WOOT!
Burgers are great with us. We're easy. Let me know what to bring. As of today we have sitters for both girls. YEAH! Soon, others will have to deal with kid logistics. ;)
*And of course, our house is kid friendly and they are always welcome here. Bring 'em on.

*Jen* said...

Burgers & dogs are fine with me this weekend.
KAREN - tell me what you want me to bring (other than my music collection, of course. ha ha)

Nashie, you are so sweet & mushy. We have great friends, and tons of great times in our past & future.
Love you!

Unknown said...

this is sweeeet, baby!
and, i'm glad you are ready for the full load of work this weekend!! ;-)

te amo mucho, mucho baby!!

jason said...

I have like 4000 songs in my iPod. I'm pretty sure even if you don't have iTunes we could transfer. Let me know.

CZ Nash said...

Bring it, Jase, we'll figure it out. We've got Itunes as well.

Unknown said...

great jas! but, the "trash-can punch" party is still on sometime after the wedding party. so, hang on to the songs you've picked out for that! hahahaha!!!

Anonymous said...

I just have one request for saturday night,I would like to be able to tune into the race at daytona, just long enough to see how my boy is running

CZ Nash said...

Absolutely, Steve..We've got a decent sized flatscreen where you can watch the Nascar.

Brownie said...

I just feel like we been replaced and by Steve and Jason...HOW DARE YOU NASH!?!?!?!?! I mean I can handle being relaced, but by those two jokers....This hurts deeply...but then again if you give me free alcohol next weekend - then all will be forgiven...Can't wait to see everyone!!!!!

Anonymous said...

ok f@#$ this s^&*!! (im no longer aloud to curse per big bro..) but i must under my breath! how dare you not even include the most beautiful women of your life...your sister and 2 nieces! ahhh, the heartbreak. i can clearly see my def leopard and ac/dc is not wanted. FINE...FINE!!! n -e- whoo, i will be making the trip alone. that mean NO KIDS! FOR THE FIRST TIME IN 7 MONTH, 3 NIGHTS ALL BY MOMMY'S SELF!! i need it, or they would seriously be admitting me into the mental institute here. oh wait, shit? whats my address again? kidding kidding... can't wait to see you, but i would like to become a member of "the squad". i dont have to get "beat in" and shit do i? turkey????? does n-e one do turkey burgers besides"nashies" sister? i mean i can totally byot if so need u!

CZ Nash said...

We'll have chicken for you if you don't want the deliciousness that's being catered. You'll enjoy whatever you eat much more than a crappy turkey burger. Ech. CZ

Anonymous said...

Your comments cut me deep Mr Brown