Thursday, October 30, 2008


Here we are, five days from the day we will make our voices heard in the presidential election. I just read a very concise and intelligent article that I think speaks volumes. I've made it very obvious that I don't support Obama in any way, and this article explains one of many reasons why. Socialism is a flawed system. It doesn't work and ends up being the antithesis of it's original premise in that it hurts society when the original hope and promise is to help. The author read my mind:

It's been an argument of my less-than-right-leaning friends that Obama's stance on guns is not a valid argument for not voting for the man. I would respectfully disagree because his gun stance is a small piece of a big government puzzle. When the majority of society finally sees the big picture, enlightenment if you will, only then can we truly be free.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our government is already socialist leaning. Just ask George Will, noted conservative columnist and intellectual ...

"Ninety-five percent of what the government does is redistribute wealth. It operates on the principle of concentrated benefits and dispersed costs. Case in point: we have sugar subsidies. Costs the American people billions of dollars but they don't notice it it's in such small increments. But the few sugar growers get very rich out of this. Now we have socialism for the strong - that is the well-represented and organized in Washington like the sugar growers. But it's socialism none the less and it's not new."