Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Softening Up

Good friends, even husband and wife can disagree when it comes to politics and religion. I'm living proof of both.

There was a comment on 'Perfection' that maybe I shouldn't be so quick to assume Obama is anti-gun. Well, if one were to do some background work and fact-checking, the truth would bear that Obama consistently votes anti-gun.

Sure, he'll let us keep our "guns for hunting, and guns in our homes", but if Obama were to let pass a law that instantly made a gun with a magazine capable of holding over ten rounds illegal, would that make him pro-gun in any gun owners eyes? I think not.

So, maybe you don't think that can't happen, either. Clinton passed the Federal Assault Weapons Ban in 1994. (check your facts, Scottie-Clinton did take some guns away)

Hundreds of firearm and gun equipent manufacturers had to re-tool and remanufacture thousands of weapons and magazines because of this law. One of the biggest was Colt. Yes, that American icon. Many consider this company to be the most famous of all gun companies.

California has already gone so far as to do just that (force state-wide confiscation of guns). Keep law-abiding citizens from owning guns they could previously own legally. I actually own a few firearms this very minute that I could not own if I were a resident of California. Does that make me a bad person? No. Am I a danger to society? No. Should I be able to defend myself and my loved ones in case of emergency? YES. This is what the founding fathers intended, and we should all be ashamed if we let our government control us instead of work for us.


*Jen* said...

Clinton did take some guns away -- ASSAULT WEAPONS. Did that affect your hunting livelihood or the ability to defend yourself, your property, your home.
Uh, no.

Scott said...

Nash, there are plenty of reasons to vote for McCain instead of Obama. But "He's comin' to take our guns!" is not one of them.

It's ginned up hysteria at its best as the NRA tries to get more dollars.

CZ Nash said...

Actually, Jen, there were many more guns affected that aren't "assault weapons". Some semi-auto shotguns, handguns that have magazines that hold more than ten rounds, and several rifles that had a "pistol grip". It affected many more law-abiding citizens with normal, hobby- related activities than you will ever care to learn about. The fact that the government took anything away is the travesty. Criminals couldn't care less about gun laws because they don't obey them in the first place.

Anonymous said...

I couldnt as a part time law enforcement possess a magazine capable of holding more than ten rounds under the Clinton rule. Hate to think I couldnt have a few more bullets than the non-law-abiding folks shooting at me. I bet they made sure to get the government approved 10 round guns....