I just wrapped up mulching the leaves in the back yard. Ugh. I'm not smart enough (or too lazy) to go buy a mask, so my mucus is appropriately peppered with the remnants of what was once full and green on our trees. The mower, a six and a half horsepower Toro mulching mower, did a masterful job of shredding them down to nothing. Unfortunately, one of the dogs (Lupe being the likely culprit) took Mr. Giraffe out to play when they were on a bathroom trip to the great outdoors. Of course, to avoid peeing on him, he was dropped in an innocuous pile of leaves. Unseen and unmissed by either myself or Karen, little could we know of the foreboding future of Mr. Giraffe.

Finished for now, I battled with the decision to move forth this morning. I knew I had better do it now, after mulching the front yard yesterday, because I wouldn't have time to do anything else in the back yard for another two weeks. This coming weekend, I have another date with my bruiser that awaits me in the woods of south Washington county. Up on the ridge, a bit beyond the hay rake he lies, not oblivious to the many hunters tramping around in the field in search of deer like him. The victor remains to be seen, but maybe next weekend, I'll have the venison to prove myself more cunning than he.
That photo cracks me up.
BTW - if you're still free today, come on over and mulch our leaves. I'll buy you some beer. Thanks.
Nope. I'm spent. Well, not really, but I'm not doing any yard work for at least two weeks.
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