Tuesday, February 26, 2008

At a Loss...

Today's post is one that comes with a dark cloud. That cloud will eventually be replaced with abundant sunshine because of what was left behind, and I hope that happens soon. Playing football with that sunshine in the back yard yesterday made me realize how fragile life is and how unexpected things happen every day. Something unexpected happened Saturday that sent waves of sorrow through my family. Chandler is without a father, now, but he still has family. That family can only partially fill the void left by the unfortunate passing of my brother, Bryan.
There are a few of my readers that know what happened, and I wanted to extend a thank you from the bottom of my heart. A memorial fund is being set up for Chandler, and the information for giving can be acquired through me, or I may post it at a later time. Bryan's heart was big, and we all benefitted in one way or another. Chandler's mother is a beautiful, caring, and excellent parent, and he will not want for guidance from her or anyone else. We will all give that and love in abundance.
When I started this blog, I was almost positive that I would only write about fun and enjoyable things. I have come to realize that it may just not be possible to be jovial 100% of the time. This weekend has proven that to be true and I should write what I feel. I see that we should all look at the little ones as the future. We are all getting older by the minute, and if we want our ideas, beliefs, and feelings to survive, they have to be instilled in the future. I have been on the planet only a short 32 years, but this I know. Without knowledge, everyone is just along for the ride. There is no progression, no drive for change for the better. With knowledge, one can change the world.


*Jen* said...

Nash, I'm so sorry for your family's loss, and your stepmother's loss. You guys are in my thoughts and have been all week.

Unknown said...

I'm glad you wrote about this, even though it's not a "jovial" topic, as you intented your blog to be. It's reality and life. It's also a way to honor Bryan's memory. He was a nice guy and I know he adored Chandler.

I love you!

Craig said...

Condolences brother. Losing a family member is a bitch, and we pray you and your family find comfort in the sweet memories of the good times. Those that are remembered are never truly gone.
All our love and prayers,
Craig & Katie