Sunday, April 20, 2008


At the behest of my beloved sister, I shall proceed with another blog. It has been a few days, but busy doesn't begin to describe my schedule of late. It seems like I've been moving either myself or Karen for months, now. I'm at the new house now, but I'm still organizing and 'finding a home' for everything I own. I own a bunch of stuff.

We were really busy at work Saturday, which is a good thing because it seemed for a couple of days that the economic worries were real. I couldn't tell Saturday with the way people were slingin' the money at us for motorcycle goodies. Come on in, people, come on in.

K and I went over to the Crooks again to have another evening filled with good times, good people, and good food Saturday night. We all sit around, drink a little, eat a lot, and then play games. It's usually Wii golf, bowling, and baseball for the men, and some card game called Nertz for the womens. I have never heard of this game, but they seem not to tire of it.

There was a funny add by my little sister a few days ago that she may bring her Glock with her when she comes up this summer. I had to laugh when K asked what a Glock was. Oh, dear...I have tried so many times to get Karen to embrace the blued steel tools of joy, but alas, I have not yet succeeded. Someday, maybe. I recently wrapped up the rebuild of a rifle of mine- a nice AES10-B Romanian RPK. I just disassembled, cleaned, and re-finished the laminated wood stocks, but it is a vast improvement over the cosmoline-encrusted pile I got from the importer. I have also had a parts set and receiver from NDS to build a Romanian AKM, but I've not had time to start on it yet. I need to get cracking, because in my most recent "project A.D.D." switch, I've really been into the weapons of the Eastern Bloc and all Avtomat Kalashnikova variations. These guns varied in quality from absolute $#*!, to extremely nice milled receiver gems. The Romanian guns fall somewhere in the middle of that spectrum, are relatively inexpensive, and are a total blast to shoot. I don't own any museum wall-hangers that don't get fired. I shoot everything I own and love every second of it.

I'm meeting with some professional movers in the morning to have them move the big heavy stuff K owns. Washer, Dryer, Fridge, Armoire, etc. I'm not a young, spry fellow anymore, and some things are just better left to others that accept cash money for services rendered.

Karen and I finally agreed to a destination for our honeymoon in June. Wohooo! Lake Tahoe it is! Even though I'm a little apprehensive about supporting anything in the Socialist Republic of California, I'll make an exception since the lake is technically in both states and I can do some gambling in Reno while we're there.

It's beautiful outside right now, and I think I'll concoct a tasty beverage and enjoy it on my new screened in porch. I don't have a hammock, but I'll suffer through nonetheless. I'll probably chime in tomorrow, since there will be plenty of activity in the equities markets this week because of earnings reports. I'm looking at EMC (bought a position Friday), MSFT, WB, and of course, Craig- Visa. We'll see what happens. As my good friend Sean Bernard Brown likes to say- And Good Day!



Craig said...

That's a lot of blog rolled into one. I find that list of things that you would rather pay someone to do for you gets longer every year, and ironically, it seems proportional to the amount of money you make. You can use your honeymoon to scout out Tahoe for a squad trip. Lastly, does Karen know what a Glock is now?

Anonymous said...

Hilton Head would be a much better choice if you are asking me, which I know you are not. You know I am only 5 hours from there and I could meet you guys for a day or so. Oh I forgot, this is a Honeymoon. No familia allowed. Good thing I'll see you in July cause shit, I've lived here how long? 5 years in July? Chrissy-poo-poo has been here how many times......hhmmmm need I say more?

Unknown said...

yes, i do know what a glock is!! :-)