Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Sensory Overload

Just when it seems life can't get any busier and crazier, there's another pile of pooh flying your way. K's car broke down last night after a few weeks of acting a little funny. We had intended to take it in, but were putting it off. I know. Stupid. Anyway, that $75 annual membership to AAA she pays for came through with flying colors. That annual cost wouldn't even have covered the towing expense. Money well spent in my book. The car's gear shift locked itself into Park and wouldn't budge. Turns out the truck they sent out is owned by a good friend of mine, and I had them take the lil' 626 to his shop, Sports & Imports. The owner is a motorcycle junkie like me and appreciates the finer things in life. He's a Greek import that came over here with a suitcase in hand and nothing else. He and his brother built a very profitable used car sales and repair shop from hard work and little else. The true American Dream. He now owns between 20 and 30 motorcycles and lives in a half million dollar home. It pays to know good people in this town. John just called me to tell me the tranny linkage fix would be $75 + tax, and he had a list from his A-tech of what we should do to fix our 'running rough' issues. New valve cover gasket set, spark plugs, and wires. I told him to go ahead and do everything to make her purrr like a kitty again.

I wanted to apologize for the lack of posts lately, but it's been ridiculously hectic here at work as well. Things are getting busy since the weather is awesome, and this means three times the business we have normally. This is three times the problems, three times the accounting for me to do, and three times the pace of the day. YEAH!! I'm actually okay with it because it makes my check fatter. It's all good in the end.

We had a fantastic time this past weekend celebrating Scott's 40th. I'll drink a pint in tribute to my girl Jen (left to right-Angie, Me, Jen, Mi Chica in the above pic) that put up with weeks of organizational stress for the surprise and even blew chunks out of stress. Awesome. Pretty soon, we'll be busier than a lawyer at Neverland Ranch with moving, arranging, organizing, and general upkeep of our new digs in the coming weekends. I'm not looking forward to mowing this weekend, but I've got to pay the price for owning a home. We'll see how long it takes me to push it before I start pricing nice zero turn mowers. Please forgive me, but posts may be scarce for a few days. I love the fact that my blogs are getting good reviews and are asked about when they go missing-thanks again.



*Jen* said...

That pic of us is cute -- the party planning crew. Couldn't have done it w/o you guys! Much fun.

I'm giggling at you having to mow this weekend, but take solace in the fact you aren't the only one -- Scottie will be pushing a mower too.

Anonymous said...

seems as if your lil' sis is the only one asking for daily revues. not that that makes your revues any less important; if anything, it makes them that much more important!
however, i can not believe you posted this picture of yourself. being your sister and loving you dearly as i much as i do; let me say one thing: please do not EVER make this face again. with that, i will now close. feel free to take the pic off at any moment; you are highly likely to give one nightmares. lots of love!

Unknown said...

i just looked at the other pics from sat. night...oh my!! there are some cute ones, funny ones, HILARIOUS ones, and ugly ones (especially as the night went on...) hahahahaha!

and yes CZ, your blogs are appreciated, especially the ones that actually talk about "the married years" :-) xoxooxo

Jeremy Peppas said...

A Greek import treating you right?
Hell yeah, that's the way it work with us Greeks.
I did laundry last night and I laughed and laughed when I pulled out the Scotty's 40 shirt.