Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Friends Forever

There are friends in the world that are dedicated. There are friends in the world that would do anything for you and love you every day of the year. Days when you're sad, and days when you're happy, this particular friend is always there to greet you with a wag of the tail and maybe even some jumping, barking, and licking. When you've had a bad day, your smile inevitably comes back when you come home to your furry friend.

Nine years and eleven months is how long Karen's friend was able to do this for her. Living in a duplex nearly ten years ago, Karen had no idea her life would soon be so full of joy because of a dog she thought just might be vicious enough to chew her up and spit her out. Nah. Not Yuengling. Looking like a Pit Bull, but probably some sort of Bulldog mutt, Yuengling was homeless. Hungry, skinny, and with a nasty skin condition, she also had something else. A big heart. Lucky for her, Karen's is bigger, and it didn't take long for Yuengling to start getting meals that were left outside for her because of that bigger heart. One evening of whining outside K's door was all it took for Karen to take this big galoot in and embark on a friendship that would change this poor dog's life forever.

Through many visits to the vet and a ton of love, Karen would always take care of Yuengling. Aching teeth, arthritis, skin rashes, you name it. Karen was there for her little Yuengling. No matter what it was and no matter the cost, she had a friend. Yuengling had payment- her love and slobbery kisses.

Her friend had to leave her today and it was one of the saddest things I've ever seen. I hated seeing my K hurting. My heart bled. People should have friends forever. Especially friends like Yuengling. She'll always be with us, though, under one of the big trees in the back yard. Always in Karen's heart, and where she needs to be. Home.


Craig said...

We're sorry to hear about Yuengling. I know he was a part of your family Karen, and we wish the best while you get over the loss of a friend.

Unknown said...

this is very sweet. thank you for being a wonderful husband and taken care of her yesterday.

my heart is broken. she was old and i knew she probably would die this year. i just did not know it'd be this soon. i thought i had a little more time with her. if i had known that yesterday morning would be the last time i'd see her, i would have held her a little longer...i would have kissed her one more time...i would have told her that she was the sweetest dog and that i loved her very much.
but i didn't... :-(
i find comfort knowing though that she did not have a long drawn out dead like some dogs have. she died with dignity and will live forever in my heart.

thank you yuengling for 10 years of unconditional love and so many sweet moments. i love you.

Anonymous said...

How sad. Sorry for your loss Karen. I have two big babies and I dont know what I would do without either of them. Dogs are innocent and real unlike people that know how to lie and decieve. Again, sorry to hear about your loss

*Jen* said...

I'm thinking about you guys.
Yueng was a sweetie, and I know this is harder than many can understand.


Anonymous said...

im so sorry for your loss! even though she almost killed me in july with her rank fart, she was such a sweet baby!

Unknown said...

mandi...this make me smile :-) so very true.

Anonymous said...

Yingolina was the sweetest dog ever and I feel so fortunate to have been a recipient of her affection. My heart and prayers are with you and her memory brings me peace, I really loved her..

Home on the Range said...

I am so sorry. . they just burrow under your skin, warm and trusting, and letting go is so very hard.

Thank you for sharing.