Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Recently, my beloved wife and I got into an argument over politics. I hated it. I'm the first one to admit that I'm a horrible debater. I just can't do it. I never had it in school and I don't have any training in the craft whatsoever. This would also make me a horrible politician. In this regard, it also makes me a poor advocate for my belief systems. I have a hard time justifying my views to those less informed, simply because I can't vocalize what I know. I know I'm not an idiot, but this kind of situation sure makes me feel like one.

I found a great article at The Cato Institute that makes my point perfectly against a socialist like Obama getting into office. My wife says the only reason I'm against him is because of his anti-gun views. This is far from the case, and he has several other flaws in addition to thinking he can stop crime by taking away the tools of law abiding citizens. The problem is that most of Americans that are behind him are in just that position because "he speaks well". He is a very crafty and gifted orator, but that does not qualify him to be the head of the greatest country in the world. Many of the democratic voters out there have no clue about the actual platform of the candidate or beliefs on government, they just like to hear him speak of "change", and unfortunately, this is good enough for a vote.


CZ Nash said...

As long as you're entertained in your delusional world, Mandroni, live long and prosper. The beautiful thing about our free country is that I can write what I want in my blog. Wooohoo!

Brownie said...

I wouldn't even know where to begin when it comes to descibing the problems Obama could cause as president...His ideas are great - WHo doesn't want a great education for everyone, great jobs for everyone and great healthcare for everyone...One big question - How do you pay for it...He will wow the corwd tonight and I have no doubt I will be impressed by the way he speaks, but everyone needs to make sure they liten to what he says!

Unknown said...

1st, i would not call it an "argument" :-) it was a discussion in which, like other times, we agree to disagree and move on.
that, to me, is what's beautiful about our relationship. we are two very different people who adore, love, AND respect each other above all...politics, religion, where to squezee the toothpaste tube, when to take the trash out, among others. ;-)
i love you for the person that you are, your heart, and they way you treat me...not for whom you'll vote for.

xoxo ;-)

that said...go obama and go jesus!! :-) :-) :-)

Craig said...

Go Black Jesus?

Anonymous said...

i do not live in a delusional world, or i take quite offense to this assumption. you believe in no god, yet i do not accuse you of living in a delusional world. the world i live in is one that takes care of my two innocent bi-racial children, not knowing whether or not their father will ever return to tuck them into bed at night. i am the one who has had to write down word for word the things i wpuld say to my 5 and 2 yr old if their father was not to return home. i am the one who has gathered all politcal papers, powers of attorneys, life insurance policys, etc., in one minila envelope in case someone knocks on my door to tell me my husband was dead. i am the one who lives my life day to day, for 9 months now, without the simple smell of my husband. i miss his touch, his scent, the way he smells my hair. the joy i see in the eyes of my children whenever he is present. anyone can say what they think, their beliefs, whatever...but until you live the life as a military spouse, in my opinion, you dont have shit one me. ,y usband who was afraid to take 500 mg of tylenol is currently taking paxil and xanax. on top of seeing a therapist for 2 hrs a night. walk one week in my shoes and then tell me i live in a delusional world.