Thursday, October 23, 2008

As Suspected

I didn't really need a political test to tell me how I feel, but in the spirit of the season I thought I would join the fray since Scott found a good website for it.

As I suspected, I have a bunch of libertarian socialist friends (and wife) that see the world like Mohandas Gandhi and the Dalai Lama, but I get along with them just fine because of similar libertarian views. Where we divide is in regards to how much the government should intervene in our daily lives, economically speaking. According to this test, a lot of my friends and wife lean away from capitalism (and free market) and toward a labor party belief. Check here.

The scariest part of the analysis is that almost all of the world's governments (including ours) are far more authoritarian than they should be. Control of the people through goverment regulation under the premise of "patriotism" is far more prevalent than any sort of freedom or liberty. There is, unfortunately, a huge part of the population in the United States that has become a part of an entitlement state and embraced a sort of protectionism without knowing what it means and without realizing the ramifications of both in tandem. These two beliefs, when coupled, lead to a government free to do what it wants and a government that falls in the upper right hand corner of this chart. This is explained in the paragraph below.

I'm sure you've all heard, with so many 24-hour news channels, how many people think the United States in general is leaning toward being a "Europe-Lite" sort of government. Check this chart and see how accurate this assessment is. Astonishingly close, actually. Nearly everyone in this election falls into the same area as the entire European Union.

Most of all, the prudent observer would also see the mental anguish I face when choosing a candidate. Thus the reason why I have yet to make a decision, even though I am less than two weeks from having to put pencil to paper. For shame. CZ


Anonymous said...

we all know who you are voting for chrissy-poo-poo! how many more obama bashing blogs do you have to write for us to figure this one out? oh, its ron paul isnt it? i knew it! :)

Unknown said...

actually i do read your blog regularly na-daddy!! your posts usually have more depth to them though so they're not always a quick read like scott's. i'll have to comment more here so that you don't feel left out. good stuff though.