Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Culinary Perfection

There are two things I always like to do when my birthday rolls around-Eat and drink like a King. I did both today, so I thought I would share at least a picture of the glorious meal I had for dinner. Filet Mignon cut fresh from Paul's Meat Market and grilled to perfection on the grill Pops and Michele bought me. You really can't beat fresh from the market. Perfect is all I can come up with to describe this Meat Euphoria. Thanks, Karen for driving over there and picking them up. I love you with all my heart.

I also wanted to thank all of my fantastic friends and family for emailing, texting, and calling to wish me a Happy Birthday. Sam & Kevin, SK, Brownie & Tam, Jen & Scott, JohnL & MaryL, Mandroni and my Georgia Peaches, Aunt Terry & Uncle Jim (and Benderville), Mum, Maaa & Larry, Cass, Madeline, Jamie & Amy, Jason & Angie, Steve & Jennifer, Craig & Katie, Peppas. I'm in awe every day at how many people care and how lucky I am to have you all in my life.



Unknown said...

HA! If you guys are wondering, "What is THAT next to the steak?!!" It's CZ's mashed potatoes, his own recipe and creation! They may look a litte strange in the picture, but I assure you that hey tasted DELISH (as Peppas would say!) :-)

CZ is the BEST chef I know!!!

Glad you had a great b-day! I love you!!

*Jen* said...

Karen, I thought it looked like stuffing/dressing, which I thought was an odd pairing with a steak!! ;)

Nash, Glad you enjoyed Meat Euphoria again -- 2 steaks within 5 days is pretty good :)