Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Now We Roll

Since I got the ball rolling and the Dems (well, one) out swinging, I thought I should make sure everyone is well aware of Obama's stance on concealed carry.

Obama voted for a bill in the Illinois senate that allowed retired law enforcement officers to carry concealed weapons. If there was any issue on which Obama rarely deviated, it was gun control. He was the most strident candidate when it came to enforcin and expanding gun control laws. So this vote jumped out as inconsistent.

When I queried him about the vote, he said, "I didn't find that [vote] surprising. I am consistently on record and will continue to be on record as opposing concealed carry. This was a narrow exception in an exceptional circumstance where a retired police officer might find himself vulnerable as a consequence of the work he has previously done--and had been trained extensively in the proper use of firearms."
It wasn't until a few weeks later that another theory came forward about the uncharacteristic vote. Obama was battling with his GOP opponent to win the endorsement of the Fraternal Order of Police.
Source: From Promise to Power, by David Mendell, p.250-251 Aug 14, 2007

And it is that very stance that could possibly affect in the future, my ability to defend myself, my home, and my loved ones. I am trained and licensed to carry and I don't plan on giving up that right. If I can do one small thing as a citizen and cast a vote not in favor of Obama in order to preserve that right of mine then yes, it is a valid reason to not vot Obama come November 4.


Unknown said...

aren't there OTHER issues more important than just "guns"?!!

guns will not fix our taxes to allow us to have more money to put food on our table.

guns will not help to pay for our kids college.

guns will not decide who will the next judge on the supreme court.

guns will not decide what kind of healthcare will be availble to our family.

guns will not matter when it comes to education, teacher salaries, etc.

guns will not decide when the war in Iraq will end.

there ARE other issues out there that frankly are MUCH more important than guns.

i for one don't care for guns or whether or not we can have them. if we didn't, that'd be good news for the poor bobcat out there who apparently has its days counted. :-(

but you know I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART!!!! xoxoxo

*Jen* said...

BRAVO, Karen! :)
Gun issues are among the least of pressing concern to the country right now.

And - no president could on his own change gun laws. That's why we have a checks & balances system.

CZ Nash said...

You are correct Jen, but the president appoints Supreme Justices- three of which are likely to be replaced within the next term. I don't think Obama will be replacing them with pro-gun conservatives.

Guns aren't the most important issue, but one I care deeply about. They are a symbol for liberty and freedom. Take the right to own away, and it sets a precedent that enables other liberties to be taken away-such as a woman's choice. I'm sure both of you would get behind that-a woman's right to choose. I should have the right to choose as well, and the government shouldn't choose for me. I choose to be armed.

*Jen* said...

Well, you know you're right about a woman's right to choose with me.
I cringed when Bushie got to nominate TWO justices in this term of his that's winding down. They're not pro-choice, which I am.

Yet, I don't think, truly, that any president, court, Congress would overturn Roe v. Wade OR put extreme gun laws in effect. Both issues are too divisive, too damaging politically for any real change on either issue to happen, I believe.

Anonymous said...

Taking away americans guns is just a place to start. If I were wanting to control a group of people and render them helpless, then I would first make sure they couldnt rebel. Its not the goverments places to decide what citizens can or cant own. Remember the Revolutionary War? It was due to too much government control. The government is in much more control of our lives now than they were at that time. Problem is the american people have slowly been conditioned to accept this as commonplace. Americans get in a bind now and the goverment is there to bail them out...why revolt against that. Take away a groups basic rights and they are putty in your hands.

Unknown said...

OCT 22ND!!!

:-D :-D :-D

Anonymous said...

i totally agree with k. i do however own my own gun, and i do plan on keeping it. but i totally agree that this is a small issue considering the larger ones, affecting our country. i could go on for days about the war and how it has personally affected me and my family. when you are friends with someone and their husband gets blown up and she is left to raise 3 kids alone, it kinda hits home. granted each and every military wife knows when you marry a man in the military, you are "married TO THE MILITARY". that does not however change the fact that innocent lives have been taken. this too me is much more important than being able to carry a gun. i would choose my husband over that anyday~ i love you!