Saturday, October 18, 2008


I overheard a discussion while sitting in the bleachers at the Northside game last night that made me think a little. A few women were yapping it up about being pro-Obama in a discussion held previously in their offices. Their talk made me think about my two biggest (although there are many) reasons for not backing someone with his beliefs.

1. He has voted time and time again against a person's right to bear arms.

2. He holds fast to the flawed, socialist belief that taking from the rich and giving to the poor is right and good.

Most agree with it being right and good until they become one of the "rich". I am educated enough to know that history shows us how flawed this idyllic system really is.

Thomas Sowell, a very respected print columnist, wrote an essay that included an almost perfect quote. I don't believe in any religion, but historically speaking, this says it all.

"Socialism has long sought to create a heaven on earth but an even older philosophy pointed out that the road to hell is paved with good intentions."

There are historical figures that have also said things far more eloquently than I that perfectly describes our current situation in history-especially in this election.

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.- Benjamin Franklin


Scott said...

Not so fast on the guns thing ...

I remember my grandfather saying Jimmy Carter was going to take our guns. I remember him saying it about Bill Clinton. He's now saying it about Obama.

The NRA has to keep the "he's going to take our guns!" meme out there, otherwise membership and fundraising drops.

CZ Nash said...

Not so fast?? Check the facts on his record.