Saturday, September 26, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
Think Tank
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Get used to our government getting bigger, boys and girls. Our fearless leader once again used his impeccable speaking skills to lull the sheeple into making them believe in change last night. Sure, we would all love to have health insurance that is cheap, readily available, and the best in the world. Why can’t we have that? Well, um, the same reason everyone can’t have five thousand square-foot homes with four bathrooms and five cars in the driveway that sits on ten acres. Money, boys and girls. It amazes me to no end how the blind people that have somehow been elected to office can’t see that. Maybe it's those very houses and six-figure-plus incomes that help cloud their vision.
Unfortunately, the government of the
Friday, August 21, 2009
Wow. Two Months...
Tumbleweeds. That’s a word that isn’t particularly funny when used in a normal sense. A good friend used it to describe my blog recently, and it cracked me up. I think about my poor little sad blog once in a while, but I haven’t really had the desire to sit down and post actual content. You know, do the work it requires to post something interesting and might be worth reading. Maybe that’s my problem. I aspire to be great, when I really shouldn’t have such high expectations for this measly blog. I mean, really, who reads this stuff? Good friends, some family, and a few others. That’s about it. I’m not getting picked up or “followed” by a legion of fans. That’s alright. No need.
This summer, that of 2009, will also be the summer that I was finally able to get my old Jeep back on the road. It’s one of the few ’82 CJ7s that don’t have any holes from rust and look like Fred Flintstone's cars that you could motivate with foot power. I bought it several years ago, drove it around a while with the tired transmission and an engine that could have completely fragged itself at any moment. I pulled the transmission and transfer case out three springs ago in hopes of rebuilding the transfer case and putting in a new V8. Well, life got in the way, as it usually does, and it left me dragging, well trailering, that poor little CJ to a couple new places of residence before finally settling in the garage of my current house that I bought with my lovely wife.
I did a little work here and there when I could, yanking the engine and getting rid of it in one evening, and welding in new engine mounts for the new LS-based engine one afternoon with the help of a couple of good friends. I completely rebuilt the transfer case, too, with all new bearings and a twin stick shifter. It’s been a long road, but she’s finally breathing a perfectly stoichiometric blend of air and fuel, and making the glorious noise that nothing but a V8 can exhale through the tailpipes. To say I’ve been anything less that absolutely thrilled and filled with pride would be a bit of an understatement, for sure. Completely rebuilding the transfer case, installing a new computer, complete wiring harness, fuse panel, fuel tank, fuel pump and filter, fuel lines, brake lines, well, I’m getting a little away from myself. Needless to say, it was a near complete ground-up rebuild and I love it. It’s a Jeep, so I will always have something to do, and that’s part of the appeal. I’m painting her right now and that’s the reason for no pictures just yet. Once she’s painted I’ll be sure to post something for my four fans. HAH! In the meantime, I’ll stay busy and try to play along as a good blogger.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Summer Days..
I always seem to struggle to find the words when I actually have time to sit down and write. Here I am again, a couple of weeks between posts. I have again been busy, as is usually the case in the warmer months because I’m almost always outside doing something either for fun or maintenance. My grandmother’s pool has taken up quite a bit of my spare time in the past two weeks. I’ve been the caretaker of the pool for the last several years because she is getting too old and frail to do what is necessary at least every other day. Skimmers have to be kept clear of fallen leaves, bugs, and anything else that finds its way into the pool.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Richter Scale

It’s absolutely beautiful outside. I’m driving to work about an hour early because of a monthly management meeting with the owner. I am looking forward to a nice day of weather and heavy customer traffic. We specialize in selling toys, and this weather is made for it. I hear my phone signal that I’ve received a text message. Usually, this is one of my guys telling me he’ll be a little late or something. No big deal.
At a stop light, I open my phone to discover that it’s from Jen. Hmmm. Interesting, indeed, to be getting a text so early from her. It briefly flashes in my brain that something may be amiss, but I am calmed when I realize she’s just telling me about an interesting article in the Washington Post this morning. It warms my heart to see my ramblings making an impression.
Earlier this week I sent an email to Jen and Scott about the volcanic rumblings in the Treasury markets and how it’s affecting national mortgage rates. They jumped over a point in one day this week, and I was just mentioning it to them because we (and everyone else in Sebastian county, according to the woman at the abstract company) have recently re-financed at a savings of thousands.
The Fed’s recent machinations in the Treasury auctions, nicely renamed “Quantitative Easing”, has caused some small problems, and this is just one of them visible to joe public if he cares to pay attention. The story in the Washington Post is one of the first I’ve seen from a mainstream media source that is openly discussing the rumblings going on with our right-minded individuals voted into office by the people. These officials have recently been enlightened about how inherently wrong it is for one of our country’s institutions (one that does not have to answer to anyone) to be playing with taxpayers’ money. I left out “openly” playing because that’s the huge black eye of a problem. Bernanke and his boys are not publicly disclosing any of their machinations because they aren’t required to by law. This allows them to spend billions, any time they please, to artificially change Wall Street and the markets, trying to steer it in the direction they want so that public perception and consumer confidence (which is regularly measured and reported on Wall Street) doesn't go in the toilet.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
The Game of Life
In good times and bad, we generally make it through. How we rise from the bad is what defines us. The past month of my life has been pretty crazy, with a great many good times, and only a few bad. Most of the good times have been over trivial things, simple pleasures. Most of the time, the simple pleasures are what contribute to general happiness and overall well-being, I think. It’s easy to sometimes get caught up in the things in life that can easily depress one’s mood. It’s been three weeks since my last post, and it took a little prodding from the family to get me in the mood to write a little something.
Now that I got the bad stuff out of my system, I think the people that bother to read my candid chronicles deserve some levity.
I’m getting soft, and I don’t like it. My shins hurt because of playing a little basketball at a friend’s Memorial Day party. I haven’t done much in the line of physical activity lately, and I admonish myself for it. Even the Wii Fit over at Jason and Angie’s this weekend wasn’t kind to me. Apparently, I’m overweight and my Wii age is 43. Whatever. Since when is 6’1” and 190 pounds overweight? How does a little box on the floor determine my BMI?
The weather has been great, even though we’ve seen several monsoon-like days of rain this month. The temperature is perfect for outdoor activities, and I love to ride my mountain bike. The problem is, I actually have to get on it and pedal. The other problem is that I’ve been working feverishly the last two months to finish my Jeep project that’s encompassed the last couple of years. For both of these equally enjoyable endeavors, there is a small requirement, of which I find myself painfully short: Time.
You see, I like my Me Time. This is time I take for myself to enjoy my hobbies and such. Man Time is also a popular moniker, usually when referring to activities in the garage or shop. I also need to finish walling the interior of my shop and start framing a wall and door to enclose the sink and toilet. I don’t want to be wrenching on a vehicle or working on the bench, only to be forced to stop so that someone can relieve themselves. It is a toilet after all, a place for all things private. Having one in the shop is convenient, so I should pay proper respect.
Sorry for the derailment of my time explanation train, but as you can see, there are several things I both need and want to do over the years to come, and what I’ve talked about isn’t even the tip of the iceberg. There are always things one doesn’t include in the original equation, like helping the wife assemble a newly purchased chandelier, trimming trees, yard work, the list is seemingly endless. All of you reading this know the drill.
I did manage to squeeze in a full Sunday of going ridiculously fast on two wheels (safely). A friend that I work with here at the shop is a motorcycle riding instructor at a local motorcycle race track. They teach you how to be a better motorcyclist while going progressively faster on the track. It was a really good time and I really didn’t need the fuel on the fire that is my never-dead passion for two wheeled vehicles. I’m currently without a road going machine right now, and only have my ’66 Norton that is in several pieces strewn about in various parts of the garage. I’ll get her going someday, but right now she’ll have to wait a bit longer.
I also managed to squeeze in a Sunday for more USPSA competition. I’ve written about it in the past, and my goal was to improve every month. I’ve achieved that goal so far, and the match two weeks ago was no exception. I felt really good throughout the match, only having one or two bobbles, and managed to make it through the entire match without a problem related to my ammunition. Reloading for plinking and reloading for competition are two totally different ballgames. You really have to pay attention to details on every round to guarantee a problem-free match. In the end, out of nine competitors in my division, I placed third again. This time, though, the top two finishers were veterans of the game. Fifty plus years between the two of them in combined competition shooting experience makes me feel pretty good about my finish. I’ve only shot competition in three matches now, but I admittedly have years of fun with guns under my belt. Maybe I can get to the point where I beat them once in a while. I’ll keep you posted.
As for life in general, I just keep trucking on, accompanied by the most beautiful and understanding woman I know. I’m looking forward to many married years ahead, and I think I’ll do just fine in my attempt to stay away from getting soft.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Turn Your Head
Friday, April 24, 2009
You're Damn Right!
Great Information
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Earth Day

Propaganda: The spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person.
The word idea is fitting and appropriate in this definition from the Merriam-Webster online dictionary. Hypothesis also comes to mind. It is Earth Day in many places across the globe today, and unfortunately, it’s also a day for media outlets to disseminate stories about something many of them refer to as “Global Warming”. This term, in the general use, is an inaccurate term. Any meteorologist worth his degree will tell you it’s impossible to get a general temperature for the world as a whole at one given point in time. You can get an average temperature for many places, over a long period of time, but who determines what places are used to get these temperatures? How many places and sources for these temperature readings would it take to get an accurate average? With a little thought, one begins to see the enormity of the problem of proving this particular hypothesis.
To determine whether the globe is warming or cooling over a relatively short period (decades or even centuries) is a huge problem. It has been possible for years for modern scientists to study ice and sediment across the globe that shows, without a doubt, that there has been climate change. There have been long periods of very cold temperatures and very warm temperatures, generally, across the entire world. The Ice Age is a very obvious period that is known to most everyone with even a basic education. The earth has had several of these cycles and it can easily be “seen” by scientists now that study the earth and the climate on earth at given points in its history. (I encourage everyone to read that link for Ice Age.) The terms global warming and climate change have become synonymous in the minds of many people, but unfortunately, they are not the same. They’re not even close.
Personally, I think it is the responsibility of everyone to educate themselves on what is hypothesis, theory, and fact. These are all very distinct terms in relation to our current environmental state, and to arbitrarily believe, without education or scientific process, is a failure on our part as members of the human race. Our success and survival as a people rests on our abilities to educate ourselves and make informed decisions. I think our efforts to be “green” and to think about our impacts on our planet are mostly genuine and sincere. I also think that many good things do come from our efforts to avert actions that can negatively affect our world and environment. Also, obviously good things like recycling and utilizing wind power for electricity have shown to minimize our negative impact on our environment.
The one thing I would like to one day see is the end of the promulgation of stories and information not backed by scientific fact or processes. Stories and the compilation of information based purely on emotion is often the product of indolence. This lack of impetus to procure fact is our scourge and can, ironically, lead directly to everything that people try to avoid in the first place.
The following link is a story that's an unfortunate example of this, emblazoned on
Education is progress.. Editors at MSN would be wise to heed this.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
THANK YOU!!, Mike Knuble!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Good Start

I have been meaning to post for about a week now, but have been pretty busy around here. I had all weekend to work on the Jeep since Karen was in Pittsburgh visiting her sister Marie. They're not twins, but they are, if that means anything. We'll see her again this summer when we go up for a week. I'm hoping to catch a Pirates game, too, in the new ball park. It's beautiful, and I can't wait to chill out and enjoy a Pirate game, a beer, and a hot dog there in the mother land.
The Jeep is coming along really well. I actually got everything but the dash and the headlights wired up while I was home by myself. I was able to get both batteries hooked up, everything else wired, and the steering shaft and column installed so that I could turn on the power. I'm really proud of myself that I managed to wire an entire vehicle by myself, especially marrying a modified harness for a fuel-injected Vortec engine from a Chevy Silverado to a chassis harness for a CJ7. It's perfect, really. One of the highlights is this dual battery setup. I have a main battery on the left there, then another battery as backup that powers a few small things and is controlled by a microprocessor solenoid mounted there behind it where the red power cables converge. If my main battery goes dead while I'm in the wilderness, far from anyone, all I do is flip a switch on the dashboard to activate the solenoid and switch over to my backup battery. I'm drooling. Finally powering up was a big moment, falling only short of actually firing up the engine. Nothing burned, melted, and there were no other catastrophic events. Just the whirring of the little electric motors cycling a few sensors. She's getting closer.
The radiator is mounted, and I even got the hoses cut and positioned. I had to cut and place both radiator hoses (they were modified original 5.3 Vortec hoses) and transmission hose for the built in cooler in the radiator. Heat kills an automatic tranny faster than anything, so I did my homework and bought the nice four core radiator with the built in trans cooler. It also has a sweet electric fan that I wrapped up mounting and wiring. I'm going to get busy with the headlights and dash this weekend.
I've also got to mount the shifter indicator down on the transmission so that I can wire that part of the dashboard. Those few things and putting the fuel tank in the rear is all that is missing. I'm hoping for an initial drive time near early summer. I think I can make it.
I've been watching closely the economic woes of our country, but it's too disheartening to constantly blog about it. If there was a good thing that came of it, it was the fact that we were able to do a streamline refinance on our mortgage. It isn't final yet, but there shouldn't be any hurdles to us closing at the end of the month. After all is said and done, we won't save any money on a monthly payment (well, $14, but who's counting), but our note was cut from the initial 30 year to 25, effectively saving us thousands. We were already on a plan to pay it off in 23 or 24 years, now that should be cut to just under 20 with diligence on our part. I'm looking forward to being house payment free in my early fifties.
Friday, March 27, 2009

Really? Let me get this right. You’re going to ask the destroyers how to fix what they destroyed. This is the unfortunate state of our country’s leadership.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Seeing the Light?
Obama said that while the U.S. dollar remained a haven because of U.S. economic and political stability, he cautioned that if the federal government didn’t reign in spending, foreign investors would stop purchasing U.S. Treasury Bills.
“The dollar is still strong because people are still buying Treasury Bills,” he said. “They still think that’s the safest investment out there.”
“If we don’t get a handle on this, and also start looking at our long-term deficit projections, at a certain point people will stop buying--those-- Treasury Bills,” he said.
Well, No S*#$, Sherlock!! The fact that he is just now seeing the fact that we can't print money out of thin air and not have to worry about foreign countries buying our debt is absurd. Why would it take this long for him to see it? His advisers are only telling him what they think he should know. Telling him what they think he should tell the American people. Of course they don't want to have him talking about Dollar weakness prematurely. That could spark a worldwide selloff, and that's the last thing they wanted. The fact that this is coming out now, though, is somewhat frightening, for the very reason I just stated. Now that it may be common knowledge (because the President said so) that we need to reign in spending because of the threat to the Dollar, that could be the spark for other countries to see this weakness and start selling their Treasuries. I spoke of this a few blogs ago, about this distinct possibility, and now it appears to be coming to fruition. Ugh.
The only good I see coming of this is that maybe it isn't too late, and this realisation is just hitting the public as a whole. Maybe there will be a way for people in power to stop the spending of money we don't have. Maybe... Oh, the times, they are a changin'.
Here's the full story from Bloomsberg:
Monday, March 16, 2009
Failure to Engage
A few people that know me well also know that I'm a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to proper grammar, spelling, and the use of words in our daily lexicon. I think my second job could easily have been editor in any capacity, really. "In the zone" is one of the many overused phrases in our world today, and like "thinking outside the box", or the use of any word purposely misspelled annoys me to no end. I have recently discovered though, that I can't readily replace the phrase "in the zone" with anything that would get my intentions across to the reader as much as that single phrase.
The zone. That familiar, warm, and endorphin-producing place was a destination again yesterday, but this time it did not happen on a pristine and green golf course. It was in a place of perfectly controlled chaos. The shooting range is filled with several targets, both reactive steel and paper. The targets are part of a game which I've started to play on a semi-regular basis. I've talked about it here already, but the USPSA competitions at the local range have grabbed me and taken hold of my psyche. I was "in the zone" yesterday on the last three or four stages of a six stage course of fire. The scores are not available yet, but I'm sure I was near the top of my capability on the last few stages. Pushing the envelope (yeah-there's another one) is the name of the game, and the faster you get, the higher you rank. It is as much mental as it is physical, and therein lies the appeal to me. Of course, misses, failures to engage (overlooking and skipping a target), and other mistakes count against you as penalties, so a perfectly constructed and executed bit of twenty or thirty second controlled fury is what gets you "in the zone". If you get the chance, I recommend you become a frequent flyer to this special place.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Fall In
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Free Lunches
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Pop, Pop...

Traffic on the floor this morning is looking positive. As many of you know, I work in an industry where discretionary income is the driving force. I’ve worried about what the national economic problems will do to my source of income. The cold, wet, nasty winter days eventually give way to the bright, somewhat warmer days of spring. Since the beginning of February, we’ve had several warm days with temperatures in the sixties. With these warm days come customers swarming the shop because they are ready to ride again. I get tired of the slow days of inventory and “finding” things for my crew to do in the winter, and I always welcome the change that brings customers through the door. This translates directly to a positive impact on my income, and in this situation, the more the merrier.
Locally speaking, the economic impact has not really been seen yet in my line of work. I am still seeing customers come in to spend their hard-earned dollars on everything from tires to windshields. Tax time is always a nice boost to our business and this year has proven no different so far. I can only hope it stays this way.
Sitting on the couch last night, breaking open the new boxes of Girl Scout cookies, the wife chimes in.
"Baby, why do you do this? Why are you bringing things like this home?", as she bites into the new Dulce de Leche.
"That is the one", I said, as I chomped down into the chocolaty peanut butter goodness.
"Give me one".
Friday, February 13, 2009
In Decline
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Coming Around
A month, almost to the day. A mere 24 hours short. That's how long it's been since my last post. Sure, a lot has happened, but I haven't really had anything to say, to put out there on the world wide internets. I haven't figured out whether I'm just not into it anymore or if it's a passing phase.
We (the wife and I) were at Angie and Jason's this weekend, having a blast, when something came up that prompted Angie to fetch the laptop. Oh yeah, we were watching, and freely commenting on, a show about the forty greatest metal songs of all time when Marilyn Manson came up. Of course, no discussion (with liberal assistance of adult beverages) of the guy is complete without mention of his hot wives (by Jason and I mostly), and Dita Von Teese prompted Angie to Google it all. Anyway, before finishing with said laptop and continuing our conversation about hot, famous chicks, Angie proceeded to travel to my blog and mention that there was not a recent post. Hmm. Yes, I know. At that point, with little prodding from Sailor Jerry, I said, "I'm done with the blog".
Well, I'm obviously not, as I sit here and write this, but it did get me thinking. Why blog? Why put it out there when it will just have to swim against the current that is the ocean of blogs already out there? I don't have an answer for that one. I think maybe it was a way to keep in touch with friends at first. I don't have many readers, though, so it's morphed into something more for myself. Something that lets me put my thoughts down on paper, if you will. While not really anything highly entertaining, and nothing really informative, it is something that allows me to vent. A release.
Over the past several months, and several blogs, I've chosen to stay away from talking about the economy. The reason for that is because of the fact that it is all completely petrifying. I am absolutely awestruck at how many so-called analysts and experts there are in this great country of ours that are absolutely clueless when it comes to basic economics. It is completely beyond me why these 'experts' seem to think that printing more fiat currency (i.e. government paper) will supposedly stimulate the economy. This country is already in an unprecedented amount of debt, and The Fed chairman and the appointed board think that they can always just sell more T-Bills and Bonds to subsidize this crazy "Federal Bailout". Basic economics, a class available to most in Junior High or High School, tells you that it is ludicrous to pay off one debt with more debt. Why does the federal government of the United States of America think it's possible for them? Because ever since the Bretton Woods agreement, our ego as the "world leader" has grown more and more every year, to a point where it is now getting us all (as citizens and taxpayers) in trouble. The complete detachment from a gold standard in 1971 started what will ultimately be, in my view, the destruction of the U.S. Dollar as the currency the world aspires to own, and maybe the destruction of the dollar as we now know it. If foreign countries continue with a plan to slowly remove themselves as buyers of U.S. T-Bills, T-Bonds, and U.S. investments in general, we will be in big trouble. This, to anyone that has even a modicum of economic knowledge, will lead to unprecedented inflation. Inflation of the likes we've never seen, and a U.S. economy in shambles. Goodbye government entitlement plans (ie Welfare, Medicare, etc). Goodbye government as we know it to be a controlling national entity. State governments would be your rulers in this world, many of which would likely secede from the union if that were to happen.
I know, I know, that's crazy talk. It really is, and I'm not sure I still have a complete grasp of what's happening. I hope it gets turned around, I really do. Unfortunately, buying a turnaround, labeled as "TARP", "Stimulus Package", or whatever, for something that amounts to several trillion dollars, is not the yellow brick road to an answer we all seek.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
I have talked about our friends many times already on this relatively young blog space on the world wide web. We have great friends all over the country. The Martins live in St. Louis, and just had a little boy in October named Trevor. We haven't been able to visit yet, but we hope to soon. We got a surprise gift in the mail the other day that put a huge smile on our faces. Being a part of our very close group of friends means appreciation for the finer things in life, and appreciation for the many good times we've had. We've always joked about a particular metaphor for girls being squirrels. Well, as our housewarming gift, the Martins sent us the perfect gift. A couple of nuts and a couple of squirrels. Memories are grand, and when something small like this puts a huge smile on our faces over and over again, it just makes us realize how lucky we've been to have such great friends. Love you K and C.
I'm finally starting to slow down a little this evening. The whole day was spent trying to stay busy. I was trying n0t to think about the huge playoff game the Steelers had this afternoon against the San Diego Chargers. Whew. It's all over now, and the Steelers looked great. There were a few plays here and there where they were less than spectacular, but Fast Willie Parker was like his old self, running all over their defense and helping us control the ball, the clock, and the tempo of the game. This opened up the passing game for Big Ben, and the rest is history. Now we get our arch-rivals, The Baltimore Ravens, next weekend at home. I can't wait for the battle. Of course, it's the late game again, so that means another Sunday of killing time until the big showdown. Maybe that's a good omen.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Switching Gears
Much time has passed, and many good times have been had since my last post. I’m going through stages in my short blogging history that have borne proof that I need start taking notes when I get ideas. One of the books I’m currently reading (one of four or five at any given time) is On Writing by Stephen King. He talks about how he comes up with ideas for his stories at random times, makes notes to himself, and sometimes puts different ideas together to come up with the end result on paper. I think I need to start taking notes because it seems like every time I think about something being a great story, I’m not in a position to sit down at the computer and add it to my blog. That one problem, I’ve surmised after much introspection, is the main reason I have drifted into a pattern of going several days between posts. I’m not promising that I can rectify this immediately, but I will do my best to start taking notes and posting when I get a free minute.
The Browns were here briefly for the holidays because Jen and Scott finally said hello to their new pride and joy. Their daughter Paige entered the world on December 22nd of 2008. Sean and Tammy came up from
Karen just so happens to go to church, and even though I don’t go with her, we manage to get along well enough because I see Christmas activities as a good tradition and a reason to get together with family and friends. The stories about Saint Nick are also something wonderful for millions of kids every year, I remember getting my first real BMX bike as a kid and getting my first Atari 2600. Those were big moments, and memories I wouldn’t trade for anything, so I will have no qualms in sharing some of these moments with children of my own, if that day ever comes to pass.
JD has a fantastic shop behind his house where he works on everything from his motorcycles to his cars and guns. This shop was the place where he helped me rebuild an engine for my Yamaha TT500 flat track race bike, and also the place where we completely rebuilt the Dana 300 transfer case for my current Jeep CJ-7. Good times abound at JD’s. On a few occasions he would ask me about my guns, my interests, and after we both built nice custom rifles from old beater military Mausers, he was hooked. His purchases of old military arms are an investment as well as a source of enjoyment, so it’s always been justifiable. Recently, he forged a path toward competition pistol shooting. A mutual friend of ours got him fired up about shooting USPSA matches at the local range, and for a few months now, JD has done his best at trying to get me out there to join them. I’ve been reluctant because it isn’t exactly the cheapest sport, mostly because of the practice required. Shooting several thousand rounds a month is not uncommon, and I’m not in a financial position to take on a new hobby that could require so much time and cash outlay. After much rumination, I came to the conclusion that I already own much of the equipment required, and anything else can be readily borrowed from JD. He has toys galore already (after only three or four months of shooting) and has a spare of almost everything. Last weekend, I went out to the range with my guns and ammo to join JD,
I think I can start small and practice a little for now, just to see if it is at all feasible for me to join the fray. I could always liquidate a few assets from the collection if need be. I’m already looking forward to the match in January on the third Sunday. The only thing I thought may be an issue was the time away from the house on days when Karen is home. As luck would have it, matches are held on Sunday mornings, when Karen is at church. Perfect.