Thursday, April 10, 2008

Entitlement State

What has caused the general majority of the United States population to become so callous as to expect to be entitled to money anytime something bad happens to them? I read this morning that the families of the victims in the Virginia Tech massacre are "settling" for 11 million dollars. Why do they get money because their family members died? They chose to go to school there. They weren't forced into anything. The fact that they were deprived of the right to self-protection and unable to carry concealed weapons is something they knew when they signed their enrollment papers. Do people that die from lightning strikes get money from somewhere? Do they sue weather people for not predicting a storm properly?

Let us say I happened to be in an establishment that doesn't forbid CCW holders from carrying on the premisis and I was minding my own business, picking up some eggs and milk. Some joker walks in the front door at the very moment I'm purchasing my products and aims a weapon at the cashier and everyone else yelling at them to get down. I would normally have a weapon on my person if I didn't plan on consuming alcohol that day. Let's say that on this particular day, I left my gun at home. If said imbecile then proceeds to shoot and injure me, would I sue someone? Absolutely, positively NOT. Is it the store's fault this guy has an IQ of a grilled cheese sandwich? No. Is it their fault he decided to pull a robbery at that exact moment and I happened to be a victim in the wrong place at the wrong time? A resounding no. The only blame to be placed is on me for leaving my weapon at home. Plain and simple. I was raised well enough to know what is right and wrong.

I still to this day don't understand why families of the people that worked in the Twin Towers are "entitled" to money. I understand it was a horrible tragedy, but nothing anyone could control directly. Nobody is responsible for their deaths except Al Qaeda and Bin Laden. We can't get money from them, so I'm guessing lawyers convinced the family members that SOMEONE is responsible. The state, the government, somebody. Why? It was a freak accident. If a plane crashed into my place of business today and I perished, I would hope that my family would understand it was a freak accident and not try to sue anybody.

I wish we weren't such a litigious society, but we are. 24 hour news, and people like Nancy Grace pound it into our heads that there are "those responsible" for anything and everything, and tort lawyers do everything in their power to drum up business. If that means representing several families because their loved ones were gunned down for no reason, so be it. These swine justify it in their minds because they are "helping the victims" cope with their loss, and bringing "justice". No, in reality, it is to bring home the bacon. It is a money making opportunity, and money makes the world go 'round. Greed only compounds the issue. What is the reasoning behind a lawyer charging upwards of $500 an hour to represent someone? Where does all that money go? They live well, to say the least.

There's my rant for the day, and I'm sure I've pissed a lefty or two off with my views, but I don't apologize for the way I see the world. Maybe I'll bring some sunshine later.


Craig said...

Amen brother. The lobbyist won't let them, but tort reform should be at the top of any political candidates wish list of change. Instead, they'll steer us to some nonsense issue like gay marriage or immigration, and they'll keep picking our pockets while we're distracted with the shiny object in the corner.

Anonymous said...

I stood behind a fat lady and her goofy husband with hickeys all over his neck at the grocery today. I got to wait longer due tot he fact all the stuff they were buying with food stamps wasnt allowed and they had to exchange it. Then they had the nerve to complain about it. Its come to the point were folks need permission to reproduce because they cannot be responsible. I hate people.

Anonymous said...

that is why we have life insurance policies. those of us who do not and die from sense-less acts as such, obviously want the money cause if they had it to begin with they would have had life insurance policies. i also ran into the same trailer park couple as jamie; fat guy with hickies,(only he had hair and white pop-able pimples on his back...wearing a wife beater tee...oh the nerve of these people!) kids all under 6, still in a diaper drinking coke out of a shoes, nor shirts; let alone pants of course. while the poorly stricken obese mother in her "rascal", oxygen tank in basket mind you; is questioning the cashier as to why doral menthols arent covered on her ebt non the less, she scrapes coins from her cigarette case and pays for them by cash. i had to lend her a nickel just so i could check the fuck out!