Friday, April 25, 2008

Eye Candy

"Oooo, I like her dress, and her shoes!" Robin was wearing a nice little dress that showed off all of her nice assets, and is probably the reason Headline news has gone to more casual, standing camera shots of her reading the news. She's easy on the eyes, and that is important to viewers for obvious reasons, even for women. Shortly before retiring back to the bedroom to dress for work, Karen asks, "Baby, some people are saying that the United States might crash like Russia. Do you think that could happen to us?" This was directly after changing the channel to CNBC since she knows I usually watch Squawk Box in the morning.
I'm still very groggy from my recent slumber, so I think I just shook my head no. I know this was probably frustrating for mi chica, but fresh from the sheets in the morning is not when I do my best work. It takes a little while for my oven to warm up, my engine to get up to operating temperature, if you will.

My engine is now operating at near full throttle, and I'm completely prepared to answer Karen in a direct and the normally human way she would want and deserves. Problem is, she's not here, and I'm at work. So, long story short, I thought I'd post an article I found this morning. This article is the first one I've read in a long time that states everything clearly about what is going on with the economy in both our home country and the world. First and foremost, the United States of America is THE center of the world, economically speaking. Any economist worth his salt will tell you this. We are nowhere near a collapse like that of the Soviet Union. Mr. Kaletsky writes very well and has explained everything very clearly, and far more eloquently than I could. The cloudy haze through which most of us have seen this economic mess is cleared up almost completely by this article, and there is no need for anyone to rush out and buy their limit of rice from Sam's Club.

Oh, and if you're sitting on your hands just waiting for the moment to get into the equities market, there is one signal that the media and anaylists are just now starting to talk about. Not to blow my own horn, but I mentioned to Craig a while ago that we should look for 1400 on the S&P 500. The market has danced around this magic number for weeks, but has never closed above this mark. If and when this happens, it will send a signal to all traders that we are knocking loud and hard on the barn door that finally leads to The Bull on Wall Street. I'm ready for the ride.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

thanks for answering my question!!! xoxoxo