Monday, April 7, 2008

It does a body good

As many of my friends are fully aware, I'm a huge fan of protein. Beef, peanuts, chicken. If it has protein, odds are good that I like it. We had another meat-euphoric cookout at the Crooks' hacienda Saturday night, and it was glorious. Nice and pink in the middle for the burgers, mustard onions, and a little Bratwurst to wash it down. Yum. We love kickin' it with Jason and Angie because we don't have to go out to mess with crowds and smoky bars as often as we did back in our early years. They have two very chill and very cool kids (toddlers-and thus the reason for events and gathering at their place) that are nothing like the whiney spoiled brats that I see coming in the shop with fathers and mothers that exhibit parental skills of teenagers in the throes of puberty. This was the perfect prelude to a full weekend of moving, mowing, and general activities revolving around a new home.

I started first thing Sunday morning with a full load in the Taco. That would be my sweet lil' Toyota Tacoma for you helmet-wearers out there. Two or three trips later, we began assessment of the lawn and garden situation and fired up the beast Toro. She is a good mower and she performed masturfully for mi chica after I did only a smaller, difficult section of the yard. K volunteered to do the rest so I could get in more trips to the old duplex to transport my abundance of Jeep hardware, furniture, et al. She's a good woman, that Puerto Rican flower. We had our first at-home visit by neighbors, and I must say, I took notice of the sound of an impact wrench (two houses over and across the street) before Carl even stepped over to introduce himself, his daughter Haley, and Jess the pooch. I think it was a setter. Anyway, while the nice neighbor man was in the midst of his "good to have some youth in the neighborhood" intro, Scott and Jen pulled up in his TJ sans doors. Perfect for the weather outside which was 75 with sun high in the sky. They were "in the neighborhood" because they were going to Lowes to do what seemed like half of Fort Smith does in April.

Speaking of Jeeps, I moved my CJ over to the casa neuva today. Quite an easy task when you know someone with a trailer and winch. Willie, my number one at the bike shop, is also a four wheel geek and has access to all the cool toys and things needed for toys. We had my lil' CJ over there in little more than an hour, so we decided to go ahead and throw the bed, recliner, and a few other things into the back of his empty Chevy dually. Everything worked perfectly, and this was between about four other trips with a full load in the Taco. Suffice it to say I am absolutely bushed this evening. I had K pick up deli sandwiches from Arby's for dinner so we wouldn't have to lift a finger cooking. Wise decision, because it really hit the spot. There's no twisting of the wrist when I recommend Arby's because she is a sucker for the curly fries. They're good, but she thinks they're out of this world.

So, to sum up the weekend, it was lacking in good blog material, but it's all for a great cause. I get in a little needed exercise, which does a body good, and our new house is indeed beginning a slow transformation into a fine castle. You'll all see it soon, I'm sure.


Unknown said...

i don't mind's good excersise and i love the way the lawn looks after it's been cut.
i can mow if you weed-eat!!

and yes, the neighbors seem super nice...but we have yet to meet Scott's relatives who live down the street!! small world!!


Craig said...

It's Fort Smith, everyone is related to Scott.

Enjoy the new digs! Can't wait to see the place.

*Jen* said...

Way to go on getting almost moved in!
It was a nice weekend -- chillin' at the Crooks', and Jeeping with the doors off. Great weather.

Scott said...

I think that dog was a Golden Retriever in need of a good brushing.

Anonymous said...

so whatever happened to carl? and does u chica have a special pair of mower shoes? u know like the green reebok ones mom used to where? which i'm sure she still owns considering the trane cup....
i too karen love to mow. u will have to try it zig-zagged, u know like the baseball field guys tend to do. there is no other feeling as to pulling up to a lawn and saying, "aaahhh...i did that"!