Monday, April 21, 2008

Movin' on up... To the East Side

"How you doin? I'm Kino, that's my supervisor, Justin. Go ahead and show us what we're moving."

"Fridge, Armoire, dinner table, bed, couches, hutch, and the washer and dryer."

"Cool, cool."

This was Kino after jumping from the big truck and taking one last drag from a Black & Mild. Kino appears fairly young, my guess would be a few years younger than me, and is wearing the ubiquitous white K-Swiss shoes and jorts that seem dangerously close to slipping all the way down around his ankles. As I would soon find out, Kino (not sure of the spelling) is actually from here as well, and is a fellow graduate of Northside High. Since his graduation in '96, two years after me, he's apparently been a very busy man. He was already showing his cards as being very chatty.

Forty-five minutes later and a short trip to the new castle:

"Cool place, man, it's a nice improvement over that duplex."

"Thanks, I appreciate it. It was too good to pass up. It's a buyer's market right now."

"How many rooms is it?"


"Man, I didn't realize there was all this back here. How many kids you got?"


"You got plenty of room for two or three, huh?"

"Well, one maybe someday."

"I got four kids, man. God said be fruitful, man, I'm just doin' what he's sayin'."

He even emerged from the back of the moving truck two minutes after this brief exchange to tell me he forgot. He has five kids.

"I got one in Benton, she's with her momma."

"She's 'posed to be comin' down here this summer for a little bit."

Kino was a very friendly guy, and the move went without a hitch. Hart to Hart was the company, and these two were doing a good job of taking care of all of the heavy wood. Everything was tied, padded, and transported without damage. Best money spent during the whole move. All we have left are small things from K's duplex. It's been a long and arduous move, but we're finally almost finished. I got the armoire --I hate that word. It's kind of like Potpourri and schmorgasboard and is an entire blog unto itself.--

I got it filled with the fun stuff- DVR, Playstation, LCD TV, audio receiver, etc..Now we have a real great room with good sound and video. Our first cookout at the Nash's will be a good time.


*Jen* said...

This post made me laugh!

So glad you guys are almost settled in :)

Anonymous said...

I am laughing my ass off right now! Tell me why, I know, KENO! Of all people you knew your little sister would. Oh that shit is funny...he's a short little guy, nice smile, closely resembles Tupac. Yes, that's Keno...Keno with 4 kids. Oh my bad, I forgot 5. The one in Benton that's posed to be coming down. This for some reason reminds me of a funny story I must share.

This horrible surgeon that used to work for us, Dr. Barrette. Old fashion, old guy that shakes horribly while holding a scapel that used to scare the shit out of me. The worse the case got, the more he shook. Well we are both scrubed and About to drape this little old lady, 87 to be exact. He proceeds to tell me how her husband dies a long time ago and now she is married to a fifty something "black guy". Before I knew it, he bends down and whispers in my ear, "she crossed the color barrier". Laughing uncontrollably for the simple fact that he has no clue I too have "crossed the color barrier" I damn near pee myself. Since then that has been the joke of the "O.R." We have people who have even crossed the gender barrier. Now you can proudly say, you "broke the nationality barrier". Gold star will soon be arriving for you!

Anonymous said...
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CZ Nash said...

That, somehow, I knew would be the case, Mandi. Yes, he was of smaller stature, and I did take note of his resemblence to the late Tupac. Nice guy, and of him, nary a negative word shall be spoken. CZ

Unknown said...

this made me laugh too!! keno's comment on God's instructions for human kind! hahaha! funny!
they did a great job...all my furniture made it without a scratch...
so fort smith people, i highly recommend them!!


Anonymous said...

umm, what r u trying to say here big bro'? Just because i crossed the color barrier does not necessarily mean i know all black people....