Wednesday, April 9, 2008

PC is BS

The market is slow today, and Merck did what I suspected. My stop-limit was triggered and I had to settle for 75% on my contract. Good enough. That covers my Put option purchase on Amazon a month ago or so. It went up when everything in the market pointed to it going down. Then, of course, the media and analysts all talk about how AMZN defies traditional analysis. Duh. Crazy stock market. Also, Visa is taking a little dip like I needed it to, so I may be shopping for a good deal in the next few days.

I'm watching Sportscenter this morning and I see that Pat Summit won another championship for Tennessee to make it an even number at 8. Go for ten, then you can retire. Of course, recruiting shouldn't be a problem at this point, so she should have nothing but the best to work with until she calls it a day and hangs up her basketball nets. The one thing that is bothering me during both genders of basketball this season is the use of MOP instead of the traditional MVP. What the hell? Who wants to be the MOP? Sounds like you're somebody that cleans up messes, not the best player on the court, field, ice, or whatever. I think this is probably some bullsh#@ politically correct move by some marketing guru to help people think they're trying not to hurt anyone's feelings. Man, if I had a nickel for every mamby pamby whiney-ass effort to not hurt feelings, I'd be a billionaire.

I hear from my step-brother that coaches a little league team that it's getting ridiculous for kids in that age group, too. They've gone so far as to not have "winners" and "losers". They just keep a score to satisfy parents and call them runners-up and stupid crap like that. Even last place teams get trophies. What good is that? Give them something to strive for, some goals, and maybe even something as crazy as winning! Competition shouldn't be goody-goody all the way around. I remember losing as a kid and hating it. It made me work harder. I got pulled from a baseball game after hitting two batters (I pitched because I had the strongest arm-not necessarily the most accurate) when I was in Pony league. They put me on first base and the next guy that got on base is a friend of mine to this day. I saw him at a bar a couple of weeks ago. He talked about the good times we had in school and on the ball field back in the day and how I had the strongest arm in Church League that year. That made me feel good, but I distinctly remember him taunting me at first base after I got pulled by the umpire, and I turned around and popped him in the face. I gave him a bloody nose and he quit because he was too busy crying about it. That's passion, and that's what is missing because everyone is too busy trying to be politically correct.

There's my rant for the day, and maybe something else will start swimming in my head later so you'll have something else to read.



Anonymous said...

I must say I strongly agree with you Nash! Having two young boys that are just getting into sports and things it is quite astonishing to me to see the way some parents look at things these days. We were not raised in a "PC" world, and I'm pretty sure that we all turned out ok! I just hate it for my boys......but the upside is they have Jamie to look up to for a role model! lol

CZ Nash said...

Jamie will do a good job of teaching them right from wrong and how not to be a candy-ass. It's good to have another reader!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Mandi!! I just saw this! I dont recall any of this!