Thursday, May 1, 2008

May Day

It's International Labor Day, and it is very fitting. It's also referred to as "Socialists Day", and all over Europe, many people do not go to work today. That's all well and good, but isn't it a little hypocritical to be celebrating Socialists Day in countries where this very socio-economic system was denounced, revolted against, and ultimately eradicated by many of the same countries?

After the October Revolution of 1917, Lenin and Trotsky immediately implemented their idea of a Utopia in the Soviet Union. This was followed shortly by several other countries in Europe who were a part of the Communist International. Of course, these lemming countries that blindly bought into the socialist ideal also were quick to figure out how horribly wrong this new direction was for the welfare of the majority of the people. Germany was first in 1918, and Kurt Eisner was put down in blood by 1919. Lenin was even under siege in his own country. The US, UK, and Germany had implemented a trade boycott against the Soviet Republic, and under growing threat from his own country, he declared private enterprise illegal and striking workers could be shot on site. This War Communism obviously didn't work out and was soon all but dead with Lenin by 1924.

Starvation and revolt exploded across Europe and western Asia within a year of these socialist and communist movements, and it is common knowledge among those that actually paid any attention in any history class that even skimmed over the century that brought rise to the two world wars.

I'm not sure Hillary Clinton took any history classes. I saw an "exclusive" interview with her on Bill O'Reilly last night. Now, normally, I don't ever watch this show. I think O'Reilly is an idiot blow-hard that is an absolute hypocrite. I stopped to listen to what Hillary was saying only because I like to know about people that are trying to rule the greatest country in the world. O'Reilly was talking to Hillary about her universal health care and her ideas about her "income distribution".

O'Reilly rightly snapped this up and told her this was pure socialism. She responded that it was NOT socialism. Huh? Has she been so blinded by her goals these many years that she just didn't pay attention during this lesson? Or is it that she's so high on herself that she thinks all of America will buy into her soft, nondescript terms like "income distribution". Wow. It's just not pretty any way you paint it, and I just can't believe someone would think this is a good thing.

I see alot of this Socialist Movement today as well. - Hugo Chavez in Venezuela? European Union, anyone? and it's very scary because I see how it could easily mirror what began in 1917. This turmoil right after WWI all the way through until after WWII is not something the world can handle right now. Hillary and her policies will be bad for America, plain and simple. Obama is no better, and some will say he is actually even more of a socialist than Hillary. It's crazy to think that the greatest country in the world is close to buying into this 21st century socialist rhetoric. When did we stop paying attention to history?


Craig said...

When we undermined the educational programs that are lucky to graduate 70 percent of their students. When colleges were dumbed down and made accessible to everyone. When Brittany Spears became more important than a war. When only 19 percent of 18-34 year olds read the newspaper.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to what I believe is the beginning of the end.

Anonymous said...

how hot was hillary in her navy blue pant suit with pink under shirt? how scarry is it, but she reminds me of our mother in a way..not the lesbianish way..the independant woman way i guess you could say. get off hill's jock man...i like her! so there! take that! have'nt you learned not to talk politics and religion? let's talk religion next blog?!?! what do ya' say??