Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Gears Turning

Typing isn't exactly coming easily today since I have an ill-shaped Band-aid (yes, with Steelers logo) on my finger that was just recently adorned with a ring for which it is so named. Last night I was working on a Dana 44 differential, in the process of tear-down, when I was loosening the bearing caps for the ring gear holder. One came loose with more gusto than anticipated, trapping the tip of my finger between the wrench and a very sharp tooth on said gear. It didn't hurt too badly, but made an interesting three-piece split in the left corner tip from the pressure. I've not had that type of injury before, since most of my smashings come with severe bruising and pain, not really blood-letting. There was barely any blood even though the wound proved to be about the depth of an eighth of an inch or so. The only real fluid was the white blood cell-filled fluid that my body was sending to the area in large quantities to prevent infection and facilitate healing.

It doesn't hurt today, and I'm trusting that the Neosporin that I applied underneath the bandage will help it heal in a few days' time so I can get this thing off. The quicker the better, because you never realize how much you use such a seemingly useless fingertip. Oh well. I'm pretty used to personal injury and my mom can attest to many stressful hours in waiting rooms over broken limbs and open wounds. I just chalk it up to a fun childhood full of new experiences.

I got on here today because of a recent quote I found whilst perusing the wonderful worldwide web. It came from a personal finance page I recently found, and ironically was written by a pastor.

I say ironically, because anyone that knows me well also knows that I'm not a proponent of organized religion. I think it can be a great thing in life if it is used properly. Unfortunately, like so many things in life, human beings tend not to indulge in things in moderation. This can also be the case when it comes to religion, and sometimes people can be so overjoyed with their discovery or way of life that they feel the need to tell everyone about it or try to 'recruit' new members into their way of thinking. Personally, I don't really believe in anything supernatural or religious, even though this, along with philosophy and mythology, are very intriguing subjects which I've read about and studied with a voracity that was unfortunately not matched by many other subjects of study in my young adulthood. This is very much a part of my limited attention span when it comes to newfound interests and hobbies to this day. I can't seem to stick with any one thing for very long.

Having K's family in town for the reception made me realize one boat I was on that had come into port for too long of a stay recently. I wanted to learn Spanish since it is the native language of My One.

I took a few classes at the community college, but didn't stick to it like I should have. Karen recently offered up her assistance with this goal, and I'm going to take her up on it. I could understand most everything her family was saying in Spanish, but I know I could do so much more. I feel I'm on the brink, rounding the corner to success before the last few miles on that road to being bilingual . I have the Rosetta Stone, and I have no excuses. Let's do it.



Anonymous said...

interesting article i must say. this scenario applies to me in the sense that i love my job; yet i hate my pay! we all feel at some point we are worth more than we are in turn given. im sure my mother can vouge for this one! in the same sense, i, unlike so many others, am not dependant on my earnings. my earnings do not pay my mortgage, nor do they make my car payment. they do not pay my light bill, nor my water. my earnings do however give me a sense of contribution within my household. my earnings do provide my children with toys i'm sure they could live with out. my earnings thus in return give me a feeling of great happiness to be able to see the joy on alexis maya's face when i return with yet another spider-man t-shirt. sometimes in life we take for granted how truly blessed we are.i am guilty of this i do admit. i never appreciated all my mother sacrificed for my brother and i until i became a mother myself. i never appreciated the bond a mother shares with their child, until i saw first hand how the loss of a child has forever affected my family. i never appreciated the bond i share with my husband until he was no longer here for me to share it with. maybe appreciate is the wrong word to use...i dont know. when i was in school and i read of soldiers and military, it never really impacted me. now i have a new profound love for all those who so selfishly sacrifice their lives to protect ours. too often we go to bed with the assumption tomorrow is guaranteed. sometimes we need to step back, be thankful for what we have for not one person is guaranteed the gift of tomorrow.

*Jen* said...

Hola, Tio Chris.
Feel free to pass your second language on to Jimmy Joe when the time comes.

Anonymous said...

is his name seriously jimmy joe??

CZ Nash said...

It's all a big joke. Go read her blog. It's in my links list.

Anonymous said...

i know this cz...i was just joking as well...geeez!!!!!!

*Jen* said...

You guys make me miss bickering with my little brother ;)

Mandi - we will learn the baby's sex on TUESDAY ... but we'll still call him/her Jimmy Joe (or Jimmie Jo) b/c we're not revealing the name until he or she is here. :)

Unknown said...

¡lista cuando tú estes listo para aprender más español!


Anonymous said...

whatever she just said!