Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Get Some Paper

I've been accused of being boring with my sometimes extended diatribes on personal finance, so I'm sure you've noticed my recent lack of said posts. Well, there's a particular website that I've been frequenting lately, and today's post was very appropriate for this particular time in my life. Karen and I don't currently have any little people running around the house, but many of our most dear friends (and of course, my sister Mandi) have them or are expecting. These same dear friends are also readers, so I thought I would share this informative article. Imparting a solid sense of responsibility early is an extremely important part of being a parent, and having recently bought a house and gotten married, I guess I should start practicing.


*Jen* said...

Hey - I read that blog a few times a month, too :)

Unknown said...

that's a good blog :-)

*Jen* said...

Dude, you ever posting again?

Anonymous said...

ok already....NEW POST?!?! BUELLER....BUELLER....BUELLER.........