Thursday, August 28, 2008

That's gonna sting

I'm just hanging out watching the tournament since I've already put my name on the list for the 1-2 no limit game. The casino is busy, as usual for a Thursday evening, and there are about fifty people in the tournament that had a fifty dollar buy-in. I'm not interested, really. I'm here for the cash game. A few other people walk in, and the list is still at about five. An Asian fellow with bright white, cheap flip-flops walks in. He gives the girl his name for the list and proceeds to wander around like nobody sees him.

I notice the one full table for the cash game loses a player. Ballsy mister white sandals thinks he can sit down and buy in before waiting his turn on the list. Hmm..I see that the dealer almost calls for chips, but the floor crew rightly catches him and corrects the near foul play. I don't like people that intentionally don't play by the rules. Noted.

I've been sitting at the table for about an hour or so, and I look down at this hand that's in the picture. I finally have something worth playing. I look up after taking a glance to see the kid cowboy two seats down go all in for $24. He had already lost a hundred bucks on the second or third hand played with pocket kings and had rebought for another Benjamin.

I am middle table, not last to act, and the Asian gunslinger on my left has yet to play. Poor kid is down and is already in, so I put him on a middle pair. Jcks or something. I've gotta call, since I have a good flush draw, too. I throw out my quarter. Gunslinger on my left quickly calls. It's just the three of us when it comes time for the flop; four, king, queen. Interesting, I say to myself. Gut shot straight draw may be worth it. Of course, Gunslinger bets fifty. Damn. Cowboy is already all in, so he isn't a factor. I say to myself I'll never win if I'm not in it, and I'll kick myself if the ten or ace comes out.

Mr. Gunslinger white-flops has been slinging chips since we all sat down to play, and has shown some carelessness. He won a hundred off the cowboy when the kid had the pocket kings earlier, but the poor dude was obviously pretty green. Gunslinger tossed chips up until now to the point where he was down a couple hundred and only had about a hundred more to bet before he'd be all-in. Of course, the next card is a seven. No help for a flush or straight, so I'm pretty safe unless he bets big.

"One hundred is the bet", says the dealer.

I say to myself, "Damn. I hate this game. Well, you're pot committed, you idiot. Now you'll go home having learned a good lesson." For some reason, I get the feeling the guy may be throwing money again just to chase me out. Inexplicably, I put in my hundred. The river comes.


Unbelievable. I can't believe how lucky I just got, especially when the Gunslinger turns over his pocket rockets (aces) and thinks he's won. He even reaches for the now giant pile of red chips until I say "hey, whoah".

He doesn't speak English well enough to talk in complete sentences, but he does understand "straight". He says, "Where?", only to sulk with his buddy for the next five or ten minutes while I pile my winnings in neat little stacks in front of me. I'm still in shock as I write this, but I've had my share of bad beats and bad luck, so I was due for some good luck. Poker. She can be nasty.

I lost a little of those winnings in the next hour or so because I started making stupid plays. I am getting better, but I need to get close to eliminating the "maybe this will go somewhere" hands that cost me ten or twenty a piece when I'm up for the evening. As long as I keep coming home on the plus side, it's all gravy.


Anonymous said...

so how much did you win????

CZ Nash said...

Doscientos y cincuenta.

CZ Nash said...

Oh, Mandi, Mandi. You have a lot of anger and frustration, and it is completely understandable with the position you're in. You know I love you all, no matter any of our beliefs. My 'delusional' statement was regrettable. Those were the wrong words. I get a little too wrapped up in my political views of this great country of ours, and it sometimes rubs people the wrong way. I understand that, and will refrain from posting any real negativity anymore. This blog was supposed to be a happy respite from life, and I sometimes deviate. Sorry if I offended anyone in my previous two posts. Everyone who reads this blog is loved dearly. True, I believe in no God, and there are many people on this earth that see things the way I do. Granted, those that have a God outnumber me, but that doesn't mean either is correct or incorrect. For the record, I'm not Republican. I have political views that tend to be both Republican and Democratic. The political view that best describes me is Libertarian. Read the political ideals of Thomas Jefferson and you will see the world through my eyes. You should also know by now that I am a staunch supporter of our troops everywhere. I may not support the reasoning for their deployment sometimes, but that is neither here nor there. Every one of our soldiers volunteered for what they do, and they garner my utmost admiration. Our father served proudly in Vietnam, one tour wasn't enough-he went back for a second. He was injured and came home, but he was one of the lucky ones. He got to live, and give birth to two wonderful people that I think make this world a better, more entertaining place. Love you, Mandroni.

*Jen* said...

Nice coin.

Anonymous said...

see, why ya gotta go and bring tears to my eyes?!?! as i said as well, i too apologize and admit the words, "disalusional world" totally blew me off the deep end! i know you do not consider yourself a republican, nor a democrat. you have beliefs of both and it would be totally un "cz in-ish" to belong to a definitive belief. i do, very much so, respect your beliefs in religion as well as politics. i know you did not just wake up yesterday and say, "hey, i think i'll be agnostic". i have never in my life, met anyone who has read more about religions and their origins than you. you know more about every different type of religion than i do, and i am first to admit that. i do believe in god, not because of something i have read, but because of something i feel. we never grew up in a church and so therefore religious beliefs were never "pushed" upon us. we feel what we feel, because we just do. dad feels the exact same way you do. he calls himself agnostic as well. this i find very interesting and sends me into thoughts of the infamoous "gene pool" once again. i know you support our troops and i know that support comes from your heart. we both know i was not the best child growing up, but regardless of that, you never judged me. it was no surprise that i was going to marry a black man some day. (i mean come on....asking for a barry white cd for christmas in 7th grade? what white kid does that??) i have always been attracted to "the darker side" :) yet, not one time, have you ever judged me. you never judged my kids, and or my lifestyle. i appreciate the way you research your thoughts and at times they have swayed me to change my own. i love you for being the brother that kicked my ass, but still yet the brother that stood behind me and always had my back, regardless the decision i made. im sorry if i came off a bit too strong and after re-reading my post, i admit i did. i value your opinion and i value you your beliefs. you are the best brother anyone could have, and for that i am eternally grateful. i love you chrissy poo-poo!

Anonymous said...

Doscientos y cincuenta. how much is that in english? the same as in spanish huh smartass! no really, how much did you win?

*Jen* said...

he won $250

Anonymous said...

thanks jen!... n-e names for the ms.???

*Jen* said...

No names yet ... we had a boy's name chosen, but we're still in discussion for the girl name!