Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Better Days

The rain was coming down in a steady drizzle. Not too much, but enough to make it a dreary afternoon. It was another busy and rough day at work, but I'm heading home, soon to be basking in the glory of a pint of Murphy's Irish Stout. Ahhh. I can almost taste it.

I still don't know why the guy caught my eye for too long. It was an odd gait, and his face, when I passed him, seemed to be angry. Weird. Walking in on a road not normally walked. I look up to see bright brake lights and the back of a little green Chevy Cavalier.

Too Close. She's stopped with a turn signal on.


Brakes on, and wheel turned, but nothing. Nothing but the horrible noise of my tires screeching along the wet and slick concrete pavement on Free Ferry in a previously quiet neighborhood. Like sliding into home plate, the front of my nice little Tacoma was soon to be not-so-nice. I felt stupid. It seemed like forever that I stared at the back of her car, and it just kept getting closer.

CRASH!! Her bumper looks like hell, and the trunk lid is all curled up.

She pulled forward as I think about how mad at myself I am.

I look up to see her getting out and walking toward me.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, how about you?"

"Good, I'm fine. Let's pull up to get out of the street."

I agree and pull into the driveway in front of where the carnage just occurred.

I can't believe it's been nearly fifteen years since I've had the unfortunate misery of having to deal with an accident on my record. A ticket, too, to add insult to injury. Back then I was young and dumb. Now I'm married, have a mortgage, and a good job. Not young or stupid. I'm still in shock, and still angry at my carelessness. I'll get over it, but it may take a while. The bruise on my ego will take longer to heal, for sure.

I could have gone the entire time I have left on this earth without having another moving violation, but it wasn't meant to be. I've had better days and better weeks. I'm alive and unharmed, though, so things could be worse. I have a beautiful wife that didn't get angry or gripe at me. Chalk up another point on the good side. It's going to be like rubbing the wound with alcohol for a bit though, as I find out how much of a financial pinch this will put on us over the next few days. At least it was mild enough that my airbag didn't deploy. There's almost a grand saved right there. Suck it up. You're a big boy. CZ


Scott said...

Don't worry about the $ aspect.

Your insurance won't go up that much.

And you've got all the tools and skills to fix the Taco, right? Me, Jason and Steve can help.

CZ Nash said...

Yeah, it just feels worse than it probably is. The Taco isn't that bad, really. I'll just need to tweak a few things and replace the black plastic lower bumber. No paint work, which makes a huge difference. I'll know more after talking to the adjuster. Thanks for the offer to help.

*Jen* said...

Yikes, sorry to hear it, Nash!
Glad no injuries, though. A minor fender-bender is just an inconvenience ;)

angela said...

Glad you are okay and no one was hurt.

Craig said...

Dumb broad shouldn't have been turning in front of you. She'll know better next time. JK ;) ... glad no one was injured

CZ Nash said...

Well, what sucks is that if it hadn't been raining, my tires would have stuck with distance to spare and there never would have been a collision.
I'm glad to see you're up and around well enough to be checking up on your daily reads. We're both glad to hear the surgery was a success, brother, and we know you'll get the best possible news in a few days. Take care. You know we love you guys.