Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Day After Day

Here I am again, going a week without posting. Busy is relative. Some people work more in one month than others do in a year. I don't work like someone that say, is on a drilling rig, or someone that digs ditches for a living. I do work hard indoors, though. Dealing with the public in a retail (kind of) environment can be stressful and hectic at times, especially when in control of a department in a multimillion dollar business. The last few weeks have been just that because our shop is going through quite a few personnel changes. I also recently hired a replacement for one of my best guys that had been with the company for nine years.

There's nothing quite like training someone new with a clean slate to make you realize exactly how much needs to be done properly on any given day to make everything run like a fine Swiss watch. It's ridiculously overwhelming for the new guy, and I know because I was him eight years ago. Imparting the knowledge of everything in the operating system is daunting, but it just takes time and patience on everyone's part. Showing the basics and letting them feel their way is the best way. Everyone has to set their own process and pace to get comfortable and be proficient enough to do the job. The last time I had to train anyone was the summer of '07. That person is still at the shop with us, is advancing, and I couldn't be happier.

Seeing someone succeed because of what you have taught them is a rewarding experience. I've missed that feeling. It's been quite a while since I've had the experience, and I am enjoying it every day, even during the most trying of times.

Some have wondered why I've not discussed my thoughts on the financial debacle being experienced worldwide. It's really depressing, and I have to say, disappointing. We live in the greatest country in the world, and yet, I find that we the people have become too reliant as a society on someone always being there to bail us out. People no longer want to take responsibility for wrongdoing and failure, and it's going to be the downfall of this wonderful land in which we live.

It is said that all great civilizations in history sustained themselves for a period that averaged about two hundred years. Is our time up? I sure hope not, but people are going to have to change their way of thinking when it comes to being entitled to anything and everything without working for it. Big brother is stepping in to save Lehman Bros., Fannie, Freddie, AIG, and yet 70% of all businesses in the US are considered small businesses. The majority of them fail within a year. Where is their bailout? Come one, come all. Preferential treatment does not bode well for our economy, I fear. I hope I'm wrong. Either way, we as taxpayers are in for a long and bumpy ride. If this indeed is the bottom, or close to it, everyone needs to be on their toes and ready to pounce on the opportunities abound in an emerging market. Hand over fist, baby. I'm ready for it because I think being a pessimist is partly to blame for my thinning hair.


Unknown said...

hair or no me you are still the most handsome man i know!!!


*Jen* said...

Oh, get a room, you two!! ;) :-D

Nash, I agree with you -- depressing state of the U.S. economy right now. And who would've thought it'd get worse. :(

*Jen* said...

Nice Bush bailout today, eh.

CZ Nash said...

For shame, really. There really is no good answer from the available options for prez. We're stuck with the lesser of all evils. Everyone seems to be pro big government, and that's not the answer. More tax money sapped from you and me results in oppression and a stagnant economy. Not good.

*Jen* said...

Not good at all. Half a trillion dollars? That almost sounds made up, b/c it's unfathomable to think of that kind of dollar figure.

Anonymous said...

if i didnt know any better i would think someone else had written this post! this is not to mention all the billions we are spending overseas. it's going to cost just as much to bring all our guys home, which i do not believe is possible. we will have bases there for at least 10 years. sad, but true. just like in bolivia, kosovo, etc. the hair thinning i do believe has something to do with genetics. i mean come on, dad doesnt have the fullest head of hair! love you~

*Jen* said...

dude - another week has passed!