Wednesday, September 24, 2008

More Rambling

Keeping my eyes open the past few days after crawling out of bed really hasn't been a problem. I've been sleeping really well of late, and I've been trying to get up early before going to work so that I have a couple of hours to do what I want. Eat a nice breakfast, maybe lounge out on the patio with something interesting to read, and drink a delicious cup of coffee. Autumn is here, and I really like this time of year, but I wish the sun would come up a little earlier. I guess I have to wait until daylight saving time comes in a month and a half or so.

I've been getting up around six, and the sun doesn't peek up over the backyard fence until seven or a little after. Dew on the grass, shining silver at first light. Gone is the oppressive, stifling humidity of August. I'm ready for cooler weather, but by the time Christmas is here, I'll be ready for Spring. I know. I can't have my cake and eat it, too. Looking at the latest in Rolling Stone has me wondering why I read this liberal rag. Every month, especially in this time of political tension, there is something negative about the Republican candidates. It's good writing, though, even though I often don't agree with the author. A well-written story exposes things about the author though, and oftentimes the ignorant adolescence shines through like a SWAT team spotlight in some articles. You can tell when a writer is jaded by years of experience and pessimism, or when the writer is so fresh from campus life they couldn't tell you a thing about what's really going on in the world outside of keggers and gossip. It's a great magazine, though, and I'm not sure if I can bring myself to stop getting it on a regular basis.

The wife is up and is propped up in my comfy chair, two hands holding her coffee, glued to the television so she can hear about what Robin is saying and see what she's wearing. Robin, for those that don't watch CNN Headline News in the morning, is the hottie of choice for CNN first thing in the morning. It's still a tossup in my mind as to which is more visually appealing-Robin Meade, or Christi Paul.
CNN often throws Christi in there when Robin is off or 'on assignment'. Both are very easy on the eyes, and thus, the reason they are on first thing in the morning. Their sole purpose is to pull you into the news that will be repeated every twenty minutes, three times an hour, all day long. 24 hour news is not my favorite thing, and is almost obsolete in this day and age with the internet instantly available at every waking moment.

The economy is on the precipice of complete collapse, and there seems to be an alarming number of people that are totally oblivious to it all. The results of the economic bailout currently being debated in Washington will affect every single person in this country. Some believe this is the end of days, and others just think it's another recession like we've seen before. Personally, I think the real answer is somewhere in the middle. I think this downturn will be much worse than anything my generation, or my parents' generation, has ever experienced, but I really do hope I'm wrong.


Anonymous said...

CNN? What the hell...the Communist News Network? Ever heard of Fox News? They have hotties also my friend....

Anonymous said...

are you kidding me? fox news?!?! ha, ha, they are so damn biassed they don't know what the other half is! talk about a one-sided point of view! and fyi, robine meade is so way hotter than christi. there is a reason why christi is a fill in. i do however agree with your assumption. no one can be prepared for what lies ahead of us. we all want to be in denial....i myself am included!

*Jen* said...

DUDE - surely today's events are blog-worthy!!

(And, Fox News? EGADS)