Wednesday, March 5, 2008


It will be a glorious day indeed when I don't have to hear or see that name ever again. It was blasted all over every twenty four hour news channel this morning and was pasted all over every web page. Argh. Frustration doesn't even begin to describe my feelings about people that think she would make a good president. She has waffled on so many issues, except her beloved health care plan, it's amazing she knows her stance from day to day. It is obvious that no other desire in her life is as strong as getting into office. It's not to serve the people or make the right decisions for the country, it is just to get into office. Her objective on which she has tunnel vision is to be the first female president. She backed her boy Billy's NAFTA signing and at the time openly praised it to no end. Now her camp is open about the plan being "flawed". WTF? Wouldn't it have made sense to fully research it before backing it? No, you can't get publicity like that. It seems she'll get on the most popular bus of empty promises that will give her the quickest ride to the oval office.

Her socialist health care plan is something she's been trying to get people to listen to for years. There's a reason why people aren't listening, Hitlery. This country is not founded on principals that the government should do everything for the people. We are a democracy. Jefferson had it right in the beginning. Unfortunately, too many Democrats (and recently, Republicans) think big government is the answer. Look at how the social security system is abused and will soon be tapped out. Look at how the various welfare systems are abused. I've actually heard people talk about having more children because of the amount of money they could get from the government. Huh? Where is the logic in that?

All of these systems failed because they are basic systems that look good on paper, but leave a bloated beuracracy to control it. These systems can all be traced back to The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx. I'm sure you've heard of him. There are too many people in this country (Republicans included) that think the government should take care of all of our problems and absolve us all of any personal responsibility but aren't educated enough to understand the big picture. Look at the USSR for a shining example. It's been in a shambles since their communist sytem collapsed.

If the government provides some sort of "bailout" package for the banks that were all writing bad credit paper for the myriad homeowners that shouldn't ever have been able to buy homes, it will only further prove what I'm saying. In an election year, you will likely see both Democratic and Republican candidates speak openly for the need for congress to "do something" about the credit crisis if the economy continues on it's volatile path. The government is far too big when it allows the abuses of so many socialist programs that just bleed money. FCC, FDA, HUD (don't even get me started on that one), OASDI (Social Security), USDA, the list goes on and on. All programs that do little good and a ton of bad.

Bring the troops home and start repairing what's here on this side of the Atlantic and try to quit being the country that saves everyone from evil around the world. We can get plenty of sustaining oil from the oil shale in Canada and the US combined with what we get from the Gulf, we just have to bite the bullet and spend the money to make it happen. The government also has enough property in the western Colorado area to provide enough geothermal energy for millions of people for decades. If our troops weren't in Iraq, we could easily scrounge up the extra scratch. Stop buying from OPEC and see what happens to oil prices. They would plummet. Problem is, there are too many big oil companies here in the states that have a majority of their interests in foreign oil. Get oil here and you piss off these companies which results in politicians losing votes. No votes, no career. An endless, horrible cycle only kept alive because of the unfortunate belief that the government should fix everything.

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