Sunday, March 2, 2008

Inconvenient Injury

Those of you that know me well are perfectly aware that I have a long and storied history of injuries, both self-inflicted (two broken wrists, finger cut in half, etc.), and those that occurred through no fault of my own. I would categorize my latest injury as one of those in which I had no direct hand in it's origin. I woke up this morning with a severe pinched nerve in the back of my neck at the junction of my shoulders. I could barely lift my head from the pillow when my stomach was yelling at me for some delicious biscuits and gravy. I vaguely remember the moment of sharp pain last night in my sleep and I think I was just trying to roll over to a cool side of the pillow. I didn't really have plans for today, but I would have really liked to have been able to make some progress on the old CJ. It wasn't meant to be. Chalk it up as just another inconvenient injury.

The search for a house rambles on. The soon-to-be Mrs. Nash and I have been on the arduous search for a humble abode for what seems like months now, but has only been a few weeks. We are looking for that elusive house that has everything already finished and updated so that we don't have to do any more "home improvement" work. I've already been down that road, and I'd like not to see it again. The only thing I really want to "work" on is my toys and toys belonging to friends. A '70 Cuda and a Jeep TJ come to mind, but I can also be hired cheaply (beer and pizza?) for crawling in attics and chopping down trees. Housework bores me, and to be honest, you can't feed it gas and have fun in it. Don't get me wrong here, if it's a necessity, I'll do it. Leaky pipe, clogged drain, broken switches, the list of things that can go wrong in a house is endless. If I can fix it without hiring out the job, I'll do it. I just don't want to do it 'for fun' because to me, that is as far from 'fun' as it gets.

All I require of a place to hang my hat is a big two (or more) car garage and a spacious kitchen. I've been known to make a good meal or two (blueberry pancakes, anyone?) in my day, and a tiny kitchen sucks because you can't really have anyone hanging around to chat while you whip up vittles. Of course, the big garage only makes sense because I'm always working on a Jeep or motorcycle and that is where a ton of my time will be spent.

We're scheduled to meet Kim (our realtor and long time family friend) to look at a place tomorrow that is the cat's meow. I love it already, and I haven't even set foot in the joint. I've seen pictures of the cavernous family room that is open to the kitchen. I've seen the standard two car garage AND the detached garage-slash-shop in the back yard that has both electricity and running water. Need I say more? I can't wait. Now, if Bernanke comes out and does what everyone thinks he will do during the fed meeting later this month, a local interest rate reduction will likely follow and we can lock ourselves in for a 5.5% note. Only time will tell.

If anyone knows a quick fix for a pinched nerve in the neck, I'm open for suggestions.



angela said...

If you'd like to be out an arm and a leg also, there is that nifty chiropractor down the street from Karen. A little acupuncture may do the trick. Just beware of the needles that stay in (not sure what they are called, just little short needles attached to a small sticker that stay put for several days). I believe the idea is to press on them throughout the day for maximum benefit. They opened up a whole other can of worms for me. I looked like an addict that decided to start shooting up in her neck. *pain* Oh, and they'll tell you not to sleep with a ceiling fan on, just in case you do so.

CZ Nash said...

Thanks Angie! I'm glad to see that I'm not losing all of my newfound readers with my sometimes incoherent blather.
I'm staying far away from chiropractors because I know a guy that used to race motorcycles until he had a formerly reputable chiropractor shift something that ruptured an artery in his neck. Dude passed out from internal bleeding later that night and almost died. I may be interested in the accupuncture thing, though. It's funny you mention a fan because Saturday night K turned on the fan for the first time in months. The very night I developed my malady. Hmmm

angela said...

The breeze from your fan, as slight as it may be, makes your muscles contract all night. Tracy (the chiropractor) told me she treats tons of people with neck problems caused by fans. She suggests oscillating fans on one side of the room, not facing the bed. You would never think it, huh? I may know too much about optimum fan positioning...

Your best bet may be some Sombra Warm Therapy Gel. (doesn't smell like bengay, more like oranges...)