Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Constitution


My dearest friend Jennifer reminded me of a story that is finally hitting the mainstream news today. I heard last year about a guy (Dick Anthony Heller) that sued the District of Columbia for not allowing him to have a handgun in his home. His suit was upheld by a local court, appealed, and now is before the Supreme Court. Now, to many people, this totalitarian law that bans gun possession in the District is absolutely the most asinine law ever conceived. I happen to be included in that group. Common sense tells you that if you aren't allowed to have a gun in your home or on your person, criminals know this, and will likely think you are an easy target for crime, whether that be mugging, robbing, raping, whatever. Criminals aren't going to heed the laws of the land. They aren't going to turn in their tools of trade because they were told they are illegal. It is their most effective tool for instilling fear and getting whatever they want from unarmed victims. The Supreme Court is going to hear this case, and it will effectively be the most important decision handed down concerning gun ownership in 70 years.

This is an excerpt from the Fort Worth Star-Telegram :

According to Metropolitan Police Department statistics, criminals killed more than 180 individuals in the District of Columbia in 2007. Most of them used a gun. Even more telling are the Police Department's gun recoveries. In a city that bans even the possession of handguns, police recovered 2,924 guns in 2007. Clearly, a ban on gun ownership does not prevent criminals from getting and using guns. Instead, the District of Columbia has created a situation in which criminals have weapons and law-abiding citizens do not. It is no wonder that this city declared a crime emergency last year. The ban has created more targets than safe streets. In addition to being ineffective, the gun ban is unconstitutional. The district has argued that the Second Amendment right to "keep and bear arms" does not apply to individuals outside of a militia.

Obviously, this editor has a very good grasp on common sense. It is sad that there are people in this country in high places (Pelosi, Kennedy, Brady, and a few others come to mind) that have zero common sense. It amazes me how these people are even in office. I will never understand it.

John R. Lott is the one person that has objectively studied these facts more than any person I know and has proven the stance of common sense.

Some people have also come to realize that the Patriot Act, pushed heavily by Bushy and his clan, is only a thinly veiled attempt by the government to take away more rights of the people of this country every day. Most people are too wrapped up in their every day lives to realize how important these seemingly small decisions are to their quality of life. Little by little, we lose our freedoms and become a more totalitarian state. I know I sound like an alarmist, but this law and my rights as a free human being are important to me. If I ever have children, it will be instilled in them as well that we live in the greatest country in the world and we are the most free people in the world. We need to do everything in our power to preserve that, and not fall into an apathetic state. Our lives and the lives of our children depend on it.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

notice how city halls and schools are the front now for the shooters? Hummmm oh wow thats two places that guns are banned...the perps must have not been able to see the signs posted on the door. Im sure if the shooter knew that guns were actually banned there then they would have found another place to shoot up. Oh wait, thats what were supposed to think!! Long live the Second Amemdment!!