Friday, March 28, 2008

Being Green

Ahh, yes. Global warming. Didn't Gore invent that, too? I'm tired of hearing about global warming. If people would read scientific studies instead of listening to blowhard politicians, the world would be a much better place.

There is evidently a worldwide 'lights out' time tomorrow for people that are raising awareness of 'global warming'. The scheduled time is GMT 0900. Awesome. My lights will be out because this translates to:

CDT= GMT(0900) - 6 = 0300.

3Am. Awesome. I can say I'm green.


Scott said...

Come on, Na-Daddy. There's no reason to bag on the green movement.

Why, I bet you're even a little green yourself. After all, don't you practice "Leave No Trace" camping? Think of being green as trying to "Leave No Trace" on a broader scale.

Besides, we all know organic tomatoes taste much better than ones grown in a greenhouse with a bunch of pesticides and such.

Unknown said...

Yeah Scottie!! Besides, GREEN IS SEXY!!!!!!!! ;-)
Being green to me is not about politics! Is about caring for our environment and doing our part to help preserve it!
I'm proud to be a "tree hugger"!!

*Jen* said...

I feel the same way as Karen. I don't even care about global warming & that argument -- it's just being a responsible Earth citizen to try to avoid being wasteful, to recycle, to conserve energy, etc. To leave the planet & its natural resources here for future generations!

CZ Nash said...

Now, kids, don't get me wrong. I'm all about being green and leaving a small print on earth. I am very passionate about the national forests, etc. I was just railing on the bandwagoners that talk about global warming being a problem when they really have no clue. I see the world just like you guys-through green glasses. CZ

Anonymous said...

I too am in agreement with "u chica" and Jen. Scott has a good point as well. Organic food does taste much better than greenhouse ones. Why do you think obesity is such a problem with the youth today? All the damn steroids they are feeding the chickens, pesticides and god knows what else in all that shit kids these days eat. Preservatives, MSG, no thank you. Brianna and Alexis eat vegetarian chicken nuggets, vegetarian sausage, etc.. They will never know the difference. I'll be damned if my kid is going to be fat one ridiculed in school! I just got a visual of Chunk from Goonies;)) Wasn't this blog about Global Warming? Oh, yeah, that too.

Craig said...

Just thought I would point out that the "lights out" is for 8 p.m. local time. Every time zone will recognize the event at 8 p.m. for one hour.

I want to be green to stick it to the Man. I don't want to fatten oil and utility companies' pockets any more than I have to.

Jeremy Peppas said...

The better term is climate change.
Global warming can be argued, climate change is clear and obvious.
Climate change doesn't get lost in the politics and every reputable scientist on the planet says climate change is happening.
What they argue is the why.
Man-made, historical cycle or something else.