Monday, March 17, 2008

A Full Day

Okay, gotta run in here real quick and find a birthday card for Mandi, pick up a Shotgun News, and see if they have a newspaper. No newspaper rack? When did this happen? I guess Books A Million is doing better hosting the geek trading card gatherings on Sunday than they are selling newspapers from all over the country. No rack. Oh well. Funny card. I like funny ones way more than the stupid sentimental stuff.

Ok, two down, one to go. Shotgun News, Shotgun News, there it is. I can't remember which is better, Shotgun News or Gun Digest. I open both to verify that it is indeed the Shotgun News. It has more vendors instead of the stupid little classifieds from small timers.

What? While perusing the paper, I hear something approach from my 4 o'clock that sounds like Chewbacca from Star Wars. Slowly in, slowly out with the breathing. I turn around, and to my horror, yes. It is..One of those....One of those Mouth Breathers!! I've got to make my escape now!! Shit, stay cool. Don't burst out in uncontrollable laughter. Karen has wandered off and I can't point out the speciment. Dammit!! Slow...Read...Shit, I can't read. Too distracting. Gotta move. I go to the other end to look at another mag. There it is. It's sitting now. Holy sweet mother, pull your damn pants up, Man!!! Crack kills...Crack with hair?? I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

I don't have time, anyway. Found Karen. Proceeding quickly to the checkout. I didn't even tell her about it in the car. I don't know why. Maybe I was still appalled. Stunned stone cold silent from it.

For a couple of weeks now, since Jason talked about the Mouth Breathers in the Kelley Hwy WalMart, it's been a running joke in the crew. We're always drinking and eating and having a great time, so laughter ensues inevitably. High comedy and good times- you just can't beat it.

The rest of the day was full, but good. Took the Taco to Al's for an oil change and service, met the inspector at our future home, and everything went perfectly. I got to top the day off with a wonderful Puerto Rican rice and beans dish. It's on my top five meals list, by the way. Karen gets the ingredients shipped over here in little bricks from her Mimi in the homeland. Good stuff.

Currently, I'm letting some bore cleaner soak in one of my rifles. It's a very calming, rewarding process, cleaning a gun. The rifle in discussion is a sweet little 1937 K-31 Swiss Schmidt-Rubin straight bolt that shoots like a firehouse. It is one of my favorites. They were issued to Swiss soldiers in the armed forces that served in what was ultimately a big militia. The men weren't full time and served when called upon. They kept their rifles at home with them and cared for them as they should any tool that could save their lives. The craftsmanship is phenomenal, just like Swiss watches. The machining perfect and tight. The bolt pulls straight back instead of most Mauser style up and back bolts of most rifles even today. Feel free to put the 1914 Pioneer bayonet on my birthday wish list. Gnarly, eh?

For those of you that don't know me well, I'm a gun nut. To the core. I like all guns, but my favorites are military weapons from around the world. The meticulous manufacture and bright, shiny bores that produce little tiny groups on a target hundreds of yards away get me going....Almost as much as a nice meat euphoric moment.



CZ Nash said...

"mouth breathers"...that will make me laugh henceforward forever...

Unknown said...

ooops! i actually made the comment above!! chris was still logged on when i wrote it! hee!

angela said...

Curious thought, do you think a mouth breather is capable of meat euphoria?

Scott said...

Where's the picture of the shop's toilet at your new house?

Unknown said...

the toilet in the shop makes me laugh! you know a MAN designed that building!! especially because it doesn't have any doors!! it's just sitting there, wide open!! hahaha!!

Craig said...

I'm more interested in the "bricks" you're having shipped in from PR. Cooking ingredients, eh? I guess it's a good cover story.