Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday

I keep pulling up the Google finance chart that I check every morning, and I get yesterday's final numbers. What's going on? I do this three times until I figure out that it is Good Friday (not sure if it should be capitalized or not) today, and that many businesses are closed. This includes Wall Street. Nobody is doing anything today, and we've already seen a few people come in the shop preparing for a long weekend outside. Going to the woods to ride their ATVs, going on a long motorcycle ride, whatever. As long as it's outside. I'm happiest when the customers are happiest. It translates directly to our bottom line.

It is Spring, and with that comes alot of activity. It makes me want to get outside and have fun. I want to get out and work on my Jeep, I want to get out and have a fun day at the rifle range, too. Shooting golf balls at 100 yards is a good challenge. Of course, hip firing AK rounds with reckless abandon is high on the fun list, too. Give me a gun, some ammo, targets, and a beautiful day, and I can be occupied for hours on end.
Any of the career politicians that America will practically be force-fed this November won't be good for gun owners and their rights. Of course, I'm leaning toward a Democrat (even though I'll be exercising a futile Libertarian vote) getting in there so that Congressional elections will then lean to the conservative side when voters realize how bad they screwed themselves by electing Hitlery or Obama. Economic and military concerns are bigger right now anyway, and I really think the person elected president in '08 is a crap shoot..
I actually had two or three more paragraphs (that I deleted) ranting about economic woes and Hitlery's new economic stimulus plan. Well, I've decided since it's Friday, we should be happy. No economic or political bashing of socialists. Go out and have some fun-shoot a gun. Targets of Pelosi, Hitlery, and Trent Lott would help...


Craig said...

I too checked this morning to see what Visa was doing and was puzzled at why it hadn't changed since yesterday's close ... and then it hit me. Happy Good Friday to all my Catholic friends.

CZ Nash said...

Man, Craig, you're fast today. I just posted this. Aren't you supposed to be cleaning the house for the in-laws? Hope you feel better. CZ

Brownie said...

I have to admit...I appreciate the Happy Good Friday wishes...but of course Good Friday is a very someber day...which is of course why I will be having a going away party tonight and drinking my face off...Will i got to hell if i pour some out for Jesus...By typing that I think i just booked a seat in hell...but it could just be catholic guilt

Craig said...

Don't feel bad about Jesus dying, he had to in order to be resurrected, and he knew it. It shouldn't be a somber day ... if he hadn't died, then we wouldn't be able to repent. Don't be sad that God's plan worked. Rejoice because I'm sure Jesus enjoys 40s just like the rest of us.

(I had just finished cleaning and was preparing to leave for the airport when I first posted)

CZ Nash said...

I'm just glad to see I still have loyal readers! Happy Easter, everyone. Brownie, be sure to drink a pint of something Irish for me. I'll return the favor.

Anonymous said...

I'm loving the Hitlery photo! A friend of mine, Jenny, hates Hitlery with a passion. She is a die hard Republican (which is shocking considering she is a lesbian ;))N-E- who, I visited the local Democratic Headquarters and decorated her yard with "Hitlery 09'" signs...EVERYWHERE! It is quite possible she may have a heart attack after retrieving her Sunday paper! Oh the joys in life! :))