Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Little sister

She is my only true sister in the world, and I love her dearly. She brought these two into the world, and they couldn't have a better mother. She's raising these two by herself while my brother-in-law is in the quagmire that is Afghanistan, and she is celebrating her birthday today with her two little angels.

We fought like cats and dogs when we were younger. We were usually home together after school and mom didn't get home until late, most times because she was trying to work two jobs to make our lives easy. I'm not complaining a bit, and now Mandi is doing the same. Raising two kids without a father (for different reasons) isn't easy, but she's doing a good job. My little nieces are adorable, and I would do anything in the world for them. Hopefully they're being good for their mother today. Mandi, I love you. Happy Birthday!


Unknown said...

I always say it everytime after she leaves..."she is such a great mom!"

(nice sentimental post! you are a sweet man and i love you for that!)

*Jen* said...

Awww! Nashie is so sweet :)

And, Karen DOES say that about Mandi all the time :)

Anonymous said...

She takes after her mommy .....

Anonymous said...

AAh you are so sweet to me! Even though you used to pin me down and hover over me dangling "loogies" in my face. Hanging my favorite doll baby, "Leslie" by her neck from the ceiling fan. Remember when you gave me a black eye and we came up with a horribly made up story to Mom? How Kitty was running through the house (all 12 oz. of her) and she knocked the kitchen chair over, (some strong 12 oz there!)slamming into my face, thus causing my black eye. HA!HA!! My birthday was just another day for me, although I am one year closer to being 30! Oh, big milestone for me. Tony is doing good. As good as good can be in the hell hole he currently has to call "home". He is on a mission, sleeping on a cot, in a tent with God knows how many other dirty army men. This will only be for one week, then he will be back at his FOB. Which is somewhat reassuring. As reassuring as having half of your heart/childrens heart in a warzone is. For anyone who tells you it gets easier, FYI: THEY ARE LYING THEIR ASSES OFF! It will never get easier and my heart will not be completely whole until the day I can hold, touch, smell, feel, and kiss my dirty army man!